FOI release

Universal Credit Claimants and rent arrears

Case reference FOI2020/00205

Published 11 March 2020


For each of the following points in time: - Now - End of the reporting year 2018/19 - End of the reporting year 2017/18 - End of the reporting year 2016/17 - End of the reporting year 2015/16 Please could you tell me:

1. How many council tenants (including those in council-run emergency/temporary accommodation if applicable) were in arrears on their rent?

2. What was the total sum owed in arrears?

3. How many of those tenants were Universal Credit claimants?

4. What was the total THEY owed?

Please could you also tell me:

5. How does the council plan to cover the current shortfall in rent owed in arrears?

6. When was Universal Credit rolled out in your authority's area?


See attached.


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