FOI release

Chantry Wood Campsite

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2019/00253

Published 7 May 2024


I request a copy of all documents relating to the decision to close Chantry Wood campsite made at the Executive meeting on the 8th of January 2019, including but not limited to, all meeting minutes, analysis, reports and significant correspondence relating to the decision, both before the 8th of January and since that date.


Please find attached the following documents.

1) the 2009 and 2014 refurbishment plans (Exec report section 3.6.1 and 3.6.2)

We do not hold a refurbishment plan from 2009. It was raised in 2009 that refurbishment is required.

· A copy of the initial project plan 2013 is attached.

· A copy of the Design Brief 2013 is attached.

2) the 2016 refurbishment plans (Exec report section 3.7.5)

· The weblink to the Executive meeting to approve further funding:

· The redacted project plan 2016 is attached. Personal information has been removed for data protection purposes

3) the 2018 refurbishment plans for Options A B C D E F and G (Exec report section 3.8.3 and described in the Options Appraisal document);

· The refurbishment plans are outlined in Appendix 2 in the Executive report 8 January 2019.

4) the visitor analysis carried out and summarised in Exec report sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.6.3; 3.6.8; Options Appraisal section

the visitor analysis underlying Exec report section 3.4.1, including the benchmarking exercise referred to, and the records of camping fees vs. usage by year referred to; 2.2.1);

· The redacted breakdown of visitors is attached.

· The fees are as follows (incl VAT): 2015: £3.00; 2016: £3.50; 2017: £4.50; 2018: £4.75

5) the cost analysis carried out for Exec report section 3.4, including the analysis of historic maintenance costs referred to in section 3.4.3; and any other cost analysis carried out leading to the statement in Exec report 7.1;

· The Executive Report 8 January 2019 contains the summary of the financial accounts.

6) the analysis of what areas customers come from, referred to in Exec report section 3.5.1.

· We do not provide the addresses of customers.

7) all legal documents relating to the purchase and ownership of the property including title from 1938 (Exec report section 5.1) and deed from 1942 (Exec report section 5.2);

· The Land Registry entry for the Chantry Wood is attached.

8) all market research carried out (including but not limited to that referred to in Options Appraisal sections 1.5.1,1.5.2, 2.2.1);

· The market research for camping is publicly available on Surrey County County's website.

9) the Crosthwaites report (Options appraisal section 4.2.1);

· The redacted report is attached.

10) the analysis leading to the £1k maintenance forecast in Options Appraisal section 4.4.IV.

· The operational costs for all options considered are outlined in the Appendix 2 of the report.

11) It will also need to include the "Notice of proposed decision, first published: 11/12/2018" as noted on the GBC website.

The decision statement is published within the Agenda for the Executive meeting of 8 January 2019 and is available on the Council's website.


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