Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. The total number (or nearest estimate) of residential recycling bins.

    2. The total number of residents for which you organise refuse collection.

    3. The total number of residential properties for which no recycling collection is offered.

    4. What enforcement action do you have at your disposal if residents place rubbish in the incorrect bin, for example but not limited to, non-recyclable rubbish in the recycling bin?

    5. How many incidents of using the enforcement action described in point 4 have there been in the 12 months leading up to September 30th 2019.

    6. Please provide details of each enforcement action listed in response to point 5. If the action is a fine, please include the amount fined, and whether this has been paid. If required please assign each action an anonymous reference number for data protection purposes.

    7. Do you have a "timed waste collection" system? For the purposes of this FOI "timed waste collection" means specific times during the day when bins are collected, and it is not permitted for bins to be placed outside out of this time.

    8. What enforcement action do you have at your disposal if residents place rubbish outside for collection at the incorrect time within a day (if applicable), or day?

    9. How many incidents of using the enforcement action described in point 8 have there been in for each month in the 12 months leading up to September 30th 2019.

    Published: 4 December 2019

  2. 1. Please provide the total number of households to whom the local authority accepted a duty to accommodate under sections 188, 190, 193 or 200 of the Housing Act 1996 in the period(s): 2014/15 - 2015/16 - 2016/17 - 2017/18 - 2018/19 (to date) -

    And of those: 1. Which local authority areas were the recipients of the individuals/families? : 2. How many these included families with children? : 3. Where any of the people housed out of area subject to any checks on criminal background? :

    2. Please provide a copy of your authority's policy or policies in respect of the relocation of homeless households with temporary accommodation both inside and outside of the borough.

    3. Please provide a copy of your authority's policy on the procurement of temporary accommodation in respect of your homelessness duties.

    4. Please provide details, including name, address and contact details, of any organisation that you use in either the actual relocation, or assistance in the relocation of, homeless households outside of borough.

    Published: 4 December 2019

  3. Please can you provide me with details of the following information in relation to street cleaning in your authority for the financial year 2018/19:-

    (See below)

    Published: 3 December 2019

  4. 1. How many passenger cars, buses and coaches (including minibuses), light goods vehicles, and heavy goods vehicles does your council operate? Please break this data down by vehicle type.

    2. How many of the vehicles operated by your council run on diesel? Please break this down according to class of vehicle, if possible.

    3. How many of the vehicles operated by your council run on petrol? Please break this down according to class of vehicle, if possible.

    4. How many 'pure' electric vehicles (IE battery electric, no internal combustion engine) does your council operate? Please break this down according to class of vehicle, if possible.

    5. How many plug-in hybrid vehicles (including range extender hybrids) does your council operate? Please break this down according to class of vehicle, if possible.

    6. If possible, please inform me how many vehicles in each emission class are operated by your council, breaking this data down by vehicle type - ie number of Euro 6 cars, number of Euro 5 cars, number of Euro 4 cars etc; number of Euro VI buses, number of Euro V buses, number of Euro IV buses etc Same emission-class data for light commercial vehicles and heavy goods vehicles, please.

    If you do not hold data for question 6, please provide me with the year of first registration of all vehicles operated by your council, broken down by vehicle class - ie Number of 2019-registered cars, number of 2018-registered cars, number of 2017-registered cars etc Number of 2019-registered buses, number of 2018-registered buses, number of 2017-registered buses etc. Same registration-date data for light commercial vehicles and heavy goods vehicles, please.

    Published: 19 November 2019

  5. 1. How many entries have been added to your register between 31 October 2018 and 30 October 2019? Individuals [number] Groups [number] Total individuals within Groups [number] Total Of which Part 1* Part 2* * The split into Part 1 and Part 2 is only relevant where a local connection test is in place (see below)

    2. How many entries are on your register in total as at 30 October 2019? Individuals [number] Groups [number] Total individuals within Groups [number] Total Of which Part 1* Part 2* * The split into Part 1 and Part 2 is only relevant where a local connection test is in place (see below)

    3. 30 October 2019 is the date by which you must have ensured that you have permissioned sufficient development plots to match the numbers on your self-build register for the first base period (1 April 2016 to 30 October 2016). Have you met your statutory obligations? [yes/no]* In respect of your obligations provide details of: 1. The number of relevant permissions granted**. [number] 2. The summary of the analysis that you produced and the policy you adopted in order to determine the suitable permissions. [free text] 3. The number of relevant entries on your register for this base period. [number]

    4. The summary of the analysis that you produced and the policy approach that you have used to determine the relevant entries on your register.

    5. The number of relevant entries on your register as at 30 October 2016. [number].

    6. An explanation for any difference between (c) and (e).

    Published: 15 November 2019

  6. Dear Guildford Borough Council I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information act 2000 to request the following information from the Planning Policy Team and or Geographical Information Systems Specialist/ Manager. Please could the Following be requested:

    • All positively and negatively assessed Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Sites (Also known as Land Availability Assessment/ Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment and can be abbreviated to SHLAA/ LAA/ SHELAA) that relate to potential residential housing of sites greater than 3 hectares.

    • Their rating as either positively assessed or negatively assessed for potential development. • For all sites that have been published in your most recent Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Document.

    Published: 15 November 2019

  7. 1. Do you use Glyphosate? 2. What is the product name of the Glyphosate you use? 3. What quantity so you purchase annually? 4. Where do you apply Glyphosate? 5. Are you actively avoiding the use of this near to play areas, school, hospitals etc? 6. Do you receive any complaints/concerns about the level of Glyphosate use? 7. Do you have a policy over the use of Pesticide/herbicide? 8. Have you tried any alternatives to the use of Glyphosate? 9. How effective have these alternatives been?

    Published: 8 November 2019

  8. See below

    Published: 29 October 2019

  9. I wonder if you could forward any committee papers, council resolutions and scrutiny / select committee reports or other public documents that have been published by or on behalf of your local authority. My committee is especially keen to examine reports that look into the following areas;

    1. Advice on the design of a baseline inventory that will show how far your authority has already progressed and how far your council still needs to go to reach net carbon neutrality.

    2. Advice and guidance on possible short term actions that you have identified that your Council can take directly, along with longer term aspirations

    3. The actions you may have identified that will be required at a local authority level, including enabling actions from the Council and those required from partners, communities and individuals

    4. The actions that would be required from Government to support the transition to carbon neutrality at a local authority level

    5. What you see as being the bigger opportunities and what programme architecture is required to develop a council wide plan that everyone can own

    6. The barriers to delivery that will need to be overcome, and the supporting changes that we all will need both locally and nationally

    Published: 29 October 2019

  10. The total number of on street parking spaces for which you are responsible (an estimate of capacity will suffice if no defined spaces) 2. What proportion of the spaces referred to in point 1 are free and what proportion paid? o Paid is defined as having to pay to park in the space for at least one period during a normal 7 day week. 3. The total number of physical parking meters for the paid spaces. 4. How many of the meters referred to in point 3 take cash? 5. How many of the meters referred to in point 4 give change? 6. The monthly revenue received from the meters referred to in point 3 for the 12 months from and including October 2018, to September 2019. 7. The total monthly revenue received from any form of payment for paid on street parking spaces for the 12 months from and including October 2018, to September 2019. Public Car Park Information 8. The total number of parking spaces in public car parks for which you are responsible. 9. What proportion of the spaces referred to in point 8 are free and what proportion paid? o Paid is defined as having to pay to park in the space for at least one period during a normal 7 day week. 10. The total number of physical parking meters for the paid spaces. 11. How many of the meters referred to in point 10 take cash? 12. How many of the meters referred to in point 11 give change? 13. The monthly revenue received from the meters referred to in point 10 for the 12 months from and including October 2018, to September 2019. 14. The total monthly revenue received from any form of payment for paid public car park spaces for which you are responsible, for the 12 months from and including October 2018, to September 2019. Parking Tickets 15. How many Penalty Charge Notice parking tickets were issued each month for the 12 months from and including October 2018, to September 2019. 16. In total how many of the tickets referred to in point 15 were appealed? 17. In total how many of the appeals referred to in point 16 were successful? 18. The total monthly revenue received by the council from paid PCN parking tickets for the 12 months from and including October 2018 to September 2019 Other 19. What is the best estimate of the population of the area for which you are responsible?

    Published: 29 October 2019