Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could you answer the following questions regarding rough sleepers in your area.

    1. How many individual rough sleepers have been identified in your area during the calendar year 2019 (January to December)?

    2. If known, how many individual rough sleepers have been identified in your area during the calendar years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018? Please provide an answer for any of those years for which you have data.

    3. If available, how many of the rough sleepers identified during 2019 were found accommodation?

    4. Please could you explain or link to what your authority does to identify rough sleepers and assist them to come off the streets.

    Published: 31 January 2020

  2. Please, could you tell me how you carry out legionella testing in the borough? The details of any contract, including company name, length of contract and amount paid.

    Published: 23 January 2020

  3. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information regarding Community Protection Notices (CPNs) and Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs): 1) The number of CPN warnings issued from October 2018 - December 2019; 2) The number of CPNs issued from October 2018 - December 2019; 3) Brief details of the circumstances/ reasons why each of the CPN warnings and CPNs were issued; 4) The number of breaches of those CPNs; 5) The number of fines/Fixed Penalty Notices imposed for failure to comply with those CPNs; 6) Details of the fines imposed/other court orders made for failure to comply with those CPNs; 7) The number of PSPOs issued from January 2019 - December 2019, and those in consideration for the future; 8) The detrimental activity that those PSPOs sought to target; 9) The number of fines/Fixed Penalty Notices issued for breach of those PSPOs; 10) Details of the fines imposed for failure to comply with those PSPOs.

    Published: 23 January 2020

  4. 1. Does the authority have a published Community Asset Transfer* policy?

    *Community Asset Transfer enables local authorities to transfer the ownership/management of their assets to community organisations at less than full market value in order to achieve a defined public benefit.

    a). If yes, please provide a web-link to the policy.

    b). If no, is Community Asset Transfer (CAT) integrated into another policy within your local authority - such as wider asset management strategies or VCSE (voluntary, community and social enterprise) policies? Please provide a web-link to this, if so.

    c). If no, does the authority have a CAT policy that is not-published / only available on request? Please provide a copy if available, if so.

    2. If the authority has a CAT policy (whether integrated into another strategy or a non-published policy), when was this last updated or reviewed? The volume of Community Asset Transfer over the last five years

    3. How many land or building assets has the authority transferred to community ownership* through Community Asset Transfer in the following time periods (financial years): 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19?

    * For the purpose of this question, please provide the number of assets that have been transferred using the General Disposal Consent (England) 2003 (Local Government Act 1972), which enables the transfer of assets at less than best or nil consideration to achieve a defined community benefit.

    4. Of those assets that have been transferred, how many are on:

    a) A freehold agreement

    b) A long lease of at least 25 years or more

    c) A lease of between 5 years and 25 years

    d) A lease of less than 5 years. Please provide this information for the same time periods as Q3 if possible.

    5. Currently, how many land or building assets does the authority own in total? Please exclude social housing assets from this total.

    6. How many of the authority's land and building assets are currently identified as potential assets available for CAT?

    Published: 12 December 2019

  5. Please could you provide the costs incurred by the council, where relevant, for the following across the authority.

    1. Christmas lights

    2. Christmas decorations

    3. Installation of lights and decorations

    4. Light switch on events, including celebrity appearances

    5. Christmas events Please provide all this information for the following years 1. Christmas 2015 2. Christmas 2016 3. Christmas 2017 4. Christmas 2018 5. Christmas 2019

    Published: 11 December 2019

  6. 1. I am writing to request details of LA-PPC and LA-IPPC processes regulated by Guildford Council under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.

    We would like to request details of all A2 installations and Part B permits in your area, including the following information if available:

    your reference for the permit, the name and address of the permit holder, the address for which the permit is granted, the grid reference, the date of issue, the process undertaken, and the current status of the permit.

    2. In addition, we would also like to request details of any enforcement notices issued relating to breaches of the terms of the above permits since 1st January 2018. Where none have been issued we would be grateful if you could confirm as such.

    Published: 11 December 2019

  7. 1) Can you please tell me if any of your councillors or Lord Mayor are eligible to claim money back for items of clothing?

    2) If yes, could you please tell me which ones and how much they are eligible for?

    3) Could you tell me how much was claimed by them for clothing allowance for 2017/18 and 2018/19?

    4) Finally could you give me a list of items purchased with the clothing allowance budget? In each case, please list the claims and the name of the councillor claiming it.

    Published: 10 December 2019

  8. 1. Can you please confirm if your organisation issued FPN's for any of the following services during 2018/19? a) Littering b) Dog fouling c) Graffiti d) Fly-posting e) Fly-tipping

    2. Can you please confirm how many FPN's your organisation issued in 2018/19 for the following offences? a) Littering b) Dog fouling c) Graffiti d) Fly-posting e) Fly-tipping f) Car parking offences

    Published: 6 December 2019

  9. 1) Number of people in temporary accommodation -Singles -Doubles -Families

    2) Number of people using bed and breakfasts

    3) Number of people in disabled units

    4) The cost to your council of temporary accommodation

    5) Number of people waiting for temporary accommodation

    6) How many people have your council assisted to settle into private homes

    7) How many leases does your council hold for temporary accommodation I would really appreciate if you could release this information over to me for the last 5 years 2014-2019 (3 years at least)

    Published: 5 December 2019

  10. 1. Do you conduct an audit or have figures relating to the number of trees that your authority has responsibility for? If so please provide me with a figure for the number of trees at the nearest date you have to (a) 1.4.19 and (b) 1.4.16.

    2. How many trees that you have responsibility for were felled by either your employees or contractors working on behalf of your authority in (a) 2016-17, (b) 2017-18 and (c) 2018-19?

    3. How many trees for which you have responsibility were planted by your employees or contractors working on behalf of your authority in (a) 2016-17, (b) 2017-18 and (c) 2018-19?

    4. How many trees in your authority were subject to a Tree Preservation Order as at (a) 1.4.19, and (b) 1.4.16?

    5. How many trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order were felled in the 18-19 financial year? Please provide me with a list showing the number of each species involved.

    Published: 4 December 2019