Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. For the most recent year you have data for, could you please tell us: · How many businesses in your area are in receipt of business rates relief of any kind? · How many businesses in your area are in receipt of 100% business rates relief?

    Published: 11 March 2020

  2. Please can you provide me with the following info:

    1. A list of all existing and outstanding borrowing, identifying for each: the source (PWLB, LOBO, other Local Authority etc), ; the type (annuity, maturity, EIP etc), ;. the maturity date, ;. the interest rate and ;. whether the rate is fixed or variable.

    2. The extent (if any) to which the Authority has lent to any wholly owned companies, identifying: ;. the name of the beneficiary, ;. the loan type (annuity, maturity, EIP etc), ;. the maturity date, ;. the interest rate and again ;. whether the rate is fixed or variable of each.

    Published: 11 March 2020

  3. FOI on care leavers

    Published: 11 March 2020

  4. How many litres of glyphosate were used by the Council (or any relevant contractors) across your area in each of the following years? Please give me a total for each calendar year. a. 2019 b. 2018 c. 2017 d. 2016 e. 2015

    Published: 11 March 2020

  5. Please provide the following information in the form of an Excel document if you can. 1: A yearly breakdown from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2019 of the number of additional sites built for Gypsies and travellers in your area. 2: Does your authority have a Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Need Assessment for new pitches? 3: What is the need identified by your authority's Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Need Assessment for new pitches, and what period does this GTANA cover? 4: How many sites have been identified by your authority for its up to date 5 year 'supply of specific deliverable sites'? 5: A yearly breakdown from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2019 of many times you have obtained injunctions preventing unauthorised camping.

    Published: 11 March 2020

  6. For each of the following points in time: - Now - End of the reporting year 2018/19 - End of the reporting year 2017/18 - End of the reporting year 2016/17 - End of the reporting year 2015/16 Please could you tell me:

    1. How many council tenants (including those in council-run emergency/temporary accommodation if applicable) were in arrears on their rent?

    2. What was the total sum owed in arrears?

    3. How many of those tenants were Universal Credit claimants?

    4. What was the total THEY owed?

    Please could you also tell me:

    5. How does the council plan to cover the current shortfall in rent owed in arrears?

    6. When was Universal Credit rolled out in your authority's area?

    Published: 11 March 2020

  7. Please could you provide the current organisational structure for the Finance and Procurement teams?

    Published: 5 March 2020

  8. Has GBC received reports about rats or vermin in Nando's over the last year? Could you confirm whether the GBC Environmental Health team have inspected the Nando's restaurant in Friary Street recently? Has GBC been involved in closing the restaurant? Does the restaurant still have its 5/5 star rating for hygiene?

    Published: 5 March 2020

  9. 1. a) Does your local authority use peat in its horticultural practices? E.g. planting. b) If so, and if you are able to quantify, how much peat do you use a month (m3)? c) Do you use peat raw, as part of a mixed compost, or in another way?

    2. a) Are any peat-free alternatives used instead? b) If so, which ones, and in what quantities?

    3. a) Have any efforts been made to reduce the amount of peat used? b) If so, has this been a result of governmental policy/pressure, or other reasons? If other, please specify.

    Published: 10 February 2020

  10. Housing benefit & exempt accommodation FOI

    Published: 5 February 2020