Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. Please could you tell me how much it cost the council in 2019 to sort recycling out that had been put in the wrong bin

    2. Please can you tell me how many different kerbside recycling bins there are in your area?

    3. Can you give me a list of results of the reviews and assessments of local air quality for 2019?

    Published: 12 March 2020

  2. I wish to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that you supply me with:

    a) How much it costs to park on your high streets (a breakdown of rates per hour/day).

    b) The volume of tickets supplied over the period: January 2019-December 2019. If this information is not available, I would appreciate as much information as you are able to provide.

    c) Revenue received from car parking over this period. If this information is not available, I would appreciate as much information as you are able to provide.

    Published: 12 March 2020

  3. 1) Please could you provide me with the price per meal for the council's Meals on Wheels service for the following years: * 2019 (Jan-Dec) * 2018 (Jan-Dec) * 2017 (Jan-Dec) * 2016 (Jan-Dec) * 2015 (Jan-Dec)

    2) Please could you also provide me with the proposed price per meal in the council's Meals on Wheels service for the upcoming 2020/21 financial year, subject to council budget approval?

    Published: 11 March 2020

  4. 1. The most recent figures for the number of street bins in your council / authority area i) in total ii) that can be used for recycling 2. How much green bin waste (in tonnes) in your council /authority area was actually recycled in: i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 3. How much recycling (in tonnes) in your council /authority area was rejected in: i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 4. The number of complaints for missed bin collections in your council / authority area in: i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 5. How much recycling (in tonnes) in your council / authority area was sent out of the United Kingdom in: i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 6. How much did the council /authority spend on litter waste in: i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 7. According to the most recent figures, what is the council's or authority's capacity for recycling (in tonnes) for the following types of material: i) glass ii) plastic iii) wood iv) aluminium v) paper vi) cardboard vii) steel viii) clothing and textiles

    Published: 11 March 2020

  5. 1. How many non-statutory public consultations did your council run in the following calendar years: a. 2015 b. 2016 c. 2017 d. 2018 e. 2019

    2. How many non-statutory public meetings did your council host in the following calendar years: a. 2015 b. 2016 c. 2017 d. 2018 e. 2019

    To make clear, I am not asking for numbers of consultations which the council is obliged to hold, nor meetings which are obliged to be open to the public. My enquiry is regarding non-mandatory meetings and consultations which the council has chosen to run, for instance with a view to getting a deeper understanding of local people's views on a given issue.

    Published: 11 March 2020

  6. I wish to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that you supply me with:

    'The total spent on upkeep and maintenance of green spaces/areas which are maintained by the council, in 2016

    The total spent on upkeep and maintenance of green spaces/areas which are maintained by the council, in 2017

    The total spent on upkeep and maintenance of green spaces/areas which are maintained by the council, in 2018

    The total spent on upkeep and maintenance of green spaces/areas which are maintained by the council, in 2019'

    Published: 11 March 2020

  7. I would like to know how many of the following facilities were owned/operated by the council for the above two years (so January 2012 and January 2020) please: • Public swimming pools. (2012 and 2020) • Public athletics tracks (2012 and 2020) • Public cycling tracks/velodromes (2012 and 2020) • Public playing fields / football rugby pitches does the council own/operate (2012 and 2020).

    Published: 11 March 2020

  8. I would like to receive a copy of the complete current local authority Register of Interest for all elected politicians. If you hold records relating to historical registers of interest for current and former elected politicians I would be grateful if you could also supply them. I would also like to receive a copy of the complete current local authority Gifts and Hospitality Registers for all elected politicians in a machine-readable spreadsheet format. If you hold historical records of gifts or hospitality received for current and former elected politicians I would be grateful if you could also supply them. Lastly, if you hold a separate register of interests that records those declared at meetings, please also supply that register in a machine-readable spreadsheet format. Again, if you hold historical records of declarations that may not be published on your website, please supply details.

    Published: 11 March 2020

  9. Please can you clarify if you have calculated the carbon footprint of your local authority area. If so what are your local authority area carbon footprint per capita and carbon emissions per capita.

    Published: 11 March 2020

  10. 1. The amount expended in fiscal year 2019 (including any remaining forecasted spending) on public outdoor play facilities including capital, revenue and maintenance costs.

    2. The amount budgeted to be spent in fiscal year 2020 on public outdoor play facilities including capital, revenue and maintenance costs.

    Published: 11 March 2020