Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. How many electric vehicle charging points have the council installed in the local authority? (split slow/medium/fast)

    2. How many do you plan to install over the next year? (split slow/medium/fast)

    3. How much has currently been budgeted for electric vehicle infrastructure?

    4. Are you receiving funding/grants for electric vehicle infrastructure from central government?

    5. Are you paying for the capital expenditure of the electric vehicle infrastructure EV points or is it are they being installed for free as part of a profit share/rental model?

    6. If you have paid for the capital expenditure, are you generating a profit?

    7. Are you able to provide any usage data for the chargepoints installed?

    Published: 19 March 2020

  2. Please note I have the following queries about "tower blocks" which you own. I define a "tower block" as being a block of flats which is ten storeys or more in height. Please advise: 1. How many of these blocks you own. 2. The total number of homes in these blocks - including those currently empty. 3. The total spending on repairs and maintenance to these blocks for each of the following financial years: 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19.

    Published: 19 March 2020

  3. Freedom of information request focused around contract data for services around facilities management. For each of the different contracts below, can you please provide me with all the information using the questions below 1. Office and building cleaning Service contract that is focus around office, commercial and building cleaning services. 2. Lift service and maintenance Service contract for lift service and maintenance. 3. Food Service contract that is focused around catering services. 4. General waste services contracts The organisation s primary general waste service contract. 5. Laundry services where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract: 1. Supplier/Provider of the services 2. Total Annual Spend The spend should only relate to each of the service contract listed above. 3. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract. 4. The number of sites the contract covers 5. The start date of the contract 6. The end date of the contract 7. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period. 8. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address. If you have any further questions, please do get in touch. Look forward to your acknowledgment.

    Published: 19 March 2020

  4. Please could you provide me with details of your council tax reduction scheme (sometimes known as council tax support) for working-age claimants for 2020/21. If you have made any changes from the scheme you operated in 2019/20, please identify those changes. If you have already published your 2020/21 council tax reduction/support scheme policy document, please provide a link/copy.

    Published: 19 March 2020

  5. Please find attached a number of questions to be considered under the Freedom of Information Act. The questions cover the topic of Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs).

    Published: 19 March 2020

  6. Under the freedom of information act, I would like to know the following. Please break down the figures by year, for the past five years.

    1. How many traffic wardens are there in your area, per year, over the last 5 years? (Last 5 financial years).

    2. What is the cost of traffic wardens - per year, over the last 5 years? (Last 5 financial years).

    3. What is the cost of traffic equipment, e.g. speed cameras, CCTV, other technology over the last 5 years? (Last 5 financial years).

    4. What is the income from traffic-related incidents (speeding, parking fines, and any other you can think of) over the last 5 years? (Last 5 financial years). Thanks - please provide the responses in an Excel spreadsheet if possible.

    Published: 18 March 2020

  7. 1. The number of electric charging points for electric vehicles installed by the council in 2016

    2. The number of electric charging points for electric vehicles installed by the council in 2017

    3. The number of electric charging points for electric vehicles installed by the council in 2018

    4. The number of electric charging points for electric vehicles installed by the council in 2019

    Published: 16 March 2020

  8. 1. Which Web Filtering Solution do you currently have implemented at the local authority?

    2. Do you use a different solution for your schools, corporate and other public services (such as libraries)? Please indicate which solutions do you use.

    3. How many users does this support?

    4. Who was this purchased through?

    5. How much is the current contract value and how many years does this cover?

    6. When is the Web Filtering contract due to expire? Who is in charge of reviewing the web filtering contract/solution?

    7. Do you use a standalone Filter or is it bundled within product suite?

    8. How is the system delivered : A. centralised B. decentralised C. Other (please specify)

    9. How is the system deployed: A. On premise B. Cloud C. Hybrid

    Published: 12 March 2020

  9. I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act into the number of pest control call outs to residential properties by your council over the last three years. I have detailed the request below:

    1. How many pest control call-outs to residential properties did you carry out for the following pests in 2017, 2018, 2019? 2017 2018 2019 Rats / Mice Bees/Wasps and Hornets/ Ants/ Cockroaches/ Bedbugs/ Fleas / Other / We don't offer these services We refer them to a third party

    2. How many of the pest infestations were located in the following areas? 2017 2018 2019 Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Garden/outside space Living room Other

    Published: 12 March 2020

  10. Subject: Accessible housing Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

    Please tell me: 1) How many properties/ dwellings (sometimes referred to as council or social housing) do you own as a Local Authority?

    2) How many of the aforementioned properties/dwellings have wheelchair access?

    3) How many of the aforementioned properties/dwellings have been adapted in order to meet the needs of a disabled person?

    Published: 12 March 2020