Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. What are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions currently in place within the Borough? 2. Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been withdrawn, not confirmed or revoked within the last 20 years within the Borough? 3. Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been requested by Borough Councillors or Borough Residents within the last 10 years within the Borough but rejected by Guildford Borough Council? 4. Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been requested by Guildford Borough Council within the last 10 years within the Borough but rejected by Central Government? 5. What, if any, are the costs to Guildford Borough Council of an Article 4 Direction?

    Published: 25 September 2018

  2. Sirs I hereby request under the Freedom of Information Act the following information specifically in relation to Council Tax and a deceased person:- a) Your specific policy, written or adopted in relation to Council Tax, when a person has deceased. b) How you handle that persons name when they have deceased and there are 2 people listed on the property one of which is still living. c) Your specific policy in relation to non-payment of Council Tax where one of the people on the property demand has deceased leaving a widow or widower in a period of 3 or 6 months following being notified of the persons death. d) Your policy when you have been notified of probate. Many thanks for your assistance with this matter

    Published: 21 September 2018

  3. I have three questions concerning each of the following documents: a) Town Centre Master Plan (Published 2014) b) Town Centre Redevelopment Strategy (Published 2017) c) Local Plan (Submitted 2017) d) Corporate Plan (Published 2018) For each document: 1. How much was spent producing the document? 2. How much of this was spending on external consultants? 3. Which external consultants were used?

    Published: 21 September 2018

  4. 2 years ago, we were hearing from our members that installations of new playground equipment were falling in England and that this was due directly to a lack of funding within local authorities. This worried us and our members at a time when Childhood obesity is increasing and there are more instances of divided communities. In order to quantify what was happening we commissioned a report which resulted in our #nowheretoplay campaign highlighting the extent of the problem. We believe it is now time to refresh our information and to once again highlight to government the problems resulting from a reduction in children's play facilities. We would therefore urge you to support us in the FOI request. 1. How many public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) do you currently have available to the public in your LA area? 2. What was your total budget for public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) in each of the following years? • 2016-17 • 2017-18 3. What is your expected total budget for public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) in each of the following years? • 2018-19 • 2019-20 • 2020-21 4. How many public playgrounds and play facilities were closed in your LA area and what proportion of your total play facilities did this represent, in each of the following years? • 2016-17 • 2017-18 5. How many public playgrounds and play facilities do you expect will close and what proportion of your total play facilities will this represent, in each of the following years? • 2018-19 • 2019-20 • 2020-21

    Published: 21 September 2018

  5. 1. The number of Parking Charge Notices the Council has issued over the last 3 months (November 2017 - September 2017) 2. The revenue from the Parking Charge Notices issued by the Council over the last 3 months (November 2017 - September 2017) 3. The location i.e. street or car park where Parking Charge Notices have been issued the most by the Council over the last 3 months (November 2017 - September 2017)

    Published: 22 August 2018

  6. 1. What is the final cost of the road work in Tunsgate which I understand has taken longer than expected? 2. The estimated cost of the colour brick scheme for Chapel Street and Castles Street. Indeed the granite sets in Chapel Street have only recently been restored.

    Published: 9 August 2018

  7. How many Parking Charge Notices were issued by Guildford Council on Bank (public) Holidays in the last year (2017)? 2. How much revenue did Guildford Council receive for issuing Parking Contravention Notices on Bank (public) Holidays in the last year (2017)?

    Published: 27 February 2018