Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. I searched on your website and couldn't find a copy of your 2018 HMO Licence Register as prescribed under the Housing Act 2004 s.232 (1) and the information that is required to be maintained within the register is described in the The Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006. The latter is extracted here for convenience: Registers of Licences 11.-(1) The following particulars are prescribed for each entry in a register established and maintained under section 232(1)(a) of the Actin respect of a licence granted under Part 2 (HMOs) or 3 (selective licensing) of the Act which is in force- (a) HMO Property Address (b) HMO Licence Holder(s) Full Name (c) HMO Licence Holders Correspondence Address (d) HMO Managers Name (e) HMO Managers Address (f) A short description of the licensed HMO or house; (g) A summary of the conditions of the licence; (h) Date of Licence Commencement (I) Date of Licence Expiry (j) Duration of Licence (k) Licence Number (l) Number of Households (m) Maximum Number of Occupants (n) Number of Units/Bedrooms (o) Number of Self Contained Units (p) Number of Non Self Contained Units (q) Number of Storeys (r) Number of Kitchens (s) Number of Reception (t) Number of Bathrooms (u) Number of Separate WCs

    Published: 11 October 2018

  2. Under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations (as applicable), I would like to submit the below request again, requesting details of all premises with Zoo Licences (under Zoo Licensing Act 1981 (as amended) in each constituency. Please: 1. Please complete the information table attached.

    2. For each premises with a Zoo Licence, return a copy of the most recent annual zoo stocklist (outlining births, arrivals, deaths etc. in accordance with Section 9.5 of the Standards of Modern Zoo Practice). 3. For each premises with a Zoo Licence, return a copy of the most recent Zoo Inspection Report for "formal" periodical or renewal inspections carried out unver S.10 or S.14.2 by Government-appointed Zoo Inspectors.

    Published: 11 October 2018

  3. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act. 1. I would like to know how much this local authority has spent on private security contractors for the calendar years: 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18. 'Private security contractors' can include but is not limited to: security guards, private investigators, and cyber security. For each calendar year please break this down and include the following details: a) Name of contractor b) Value of contract c) Services rendered

    Published: 10 October 2018

  4. A list of all employees who have been made redundant or received compensation for loss of office since 1st January 2012. Please include job title, reason for loss of office/redundancy, date and amount (£) of either the loss of office or office or redundancy payment.

    Published: 10 October 2018

  5. I would like to know the amount of money the council spent on the services of external law firms and barristers in the last year (year ending March 31 2018).

    Published: 10 October 2018

  6. Please provide the following information; 1. Since October 2014 has the council introduced a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which prohibits begging? If so, please specify the number of PSPOs and the date they were implemented. 2. If PSPOs have been introduced by the council since October 2014 how many fixed penalty notices (FPNs) have been issued in regards to begging? If possible, please provide a breakdown per calendar year, including 2018. 3. Of the FPNs issued in regards to begging how many have been paid? If possible, please provide a breakdown per calendar year, including 2018.

    Published: 8 October 2018

  7. Information Request -

    1.How many residential properties on the Dennisville Estate (comprising St Johns Road, St Johns Close, Raymond Crescent, Downing Avenue and Pentreath Avenue) are let to students? This information will be available from the Council Tax register because students are exempt from paying Council Tax. I would like this information for each of the financial years 2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16, 2016/17 and the current financial year.

    2. How many complaints have been made in each of the financial years from 2012 until the present day of anti-social behaviour on the Dennisville Estate, including noise nuisance, untidy/overgrown gardens and litter bins being left out for long periods of time.

    Published: 5 October 2018

  8. I am currently conducting a study into smart technology and how this is impacting towns and city centres around the UK. Please can you advise on the following points:

    1. How many public litter/waste bins do the council own? To make the distinction clear this is public litter/waste bins and not residential bins.

    2. Are the council responsible for emptying the bins or is this contracted to an external organization? If an external organization please can the council advise who this is?

    3. Can the council confirm what the schedule for emptying the bins is, is this daily, weekly etc?

    4. Can the council share what the assumed average cost for emptying the litter bins is?

    5. Do the council currently have any 'Smart' technology deployed within its litter bins to monitor waste levels and provide alerts when the bins are full? If so can the council confirm which organization is providing this service.

    6. If the council do not currently use any technology for this can the council advise the reasoning for this I.E. price, emerging technology etc

    Published: 5 October 2018

  9. Could you please reply to me with the following report attached: - Unclaimed business rate credit balances. We are cognizant of the fact that Billing Authorities hold on account sums of money that are due to be returned to ratepayers and for a variety of reasons have not been repaid. I therefore request a breakdown of credit balances accrued since your earliest records, for the amounts owing to all incorporated companies within your authority's billing area, including the following information:

    A. The legal name of each business in respect of which non-domestic rate credit balances remain payable

    B. The value of overpayment in each case which remains unclaimed

    C. The years(s) in which overpayment was made

    D. The hereditament address

    E. The legal name of each business in respect of which non-domestic rate credit balances have been written back on to the NDR account

    F. The value of write back in each case which remains unclaimed

    G. The years(s) in which the write back was made (if available)

    H. The hereditament address that the write back relates to.

    Published: 4 October 2018

  10. - Does the council use any garden/environmental products that contain glyphosate? If so, what are they? - Does the council use Roundup or RangerPro weed killer from company Monsanto? If so, which products? - How much has the council spent on these items in five years? (Separated by each year and product) - Does the council have immediate plans to discontinue use of the Roundup and RangerPro weed killer products or any other products mentioned? If so, why?

    Published: 4 October 2018