Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. What is the current number of staff who use a PC or a laptop within your organisation?

    2. What are the current Microsoft software licences (server and desktop) that you are using?

    3. What is your annual IT spend on Microsoft licences?

    4. Has your organisation moved, or is planning to move, to the Cloud in the next 12 months?

    5. Are you due to undertake a review of your software estate in the next 12 months?

    Published: 7 November 2018

  2. I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 1) Between July 2016 and July 2018, how many complaints were received by your local authority regarding landlords of private rented properties? 2) How many of those complaints related to: a) Failure to do repairs b) Failure to return deposits c) 'Category 1' hazards - please provide details. d) Wrongful eviction e) Rent increases f) Other 3) During the same period, how many times did your local authority: a) Carry out an inspection on a private rented property? b) Start legal proceedings against a landlord? Of those, how many resulted in a successful prosecutions, and if so please provide details including penalties.

    Published: 7 November 2018

  3. I am writing to request information through the Freedom of Information Act (2000) regarding the Bed & Breakfast population within your local authority. My request covers the following: The total number of households claiming Housing Benefit from a Bed and Breakfast*, and/or other accommodation with board and lodgings, in the following financial years (only include those not owed a statutory duty but living in a B&B i.e. NOT placed by Housing Options): a. 2016/2017 b. 2017/2018 AND The total number of households placed in Bed and Breakfast*, and/or other accommodation with board and lodgings, through homeless placement teams in the following financial years (those owed a statutory duty and were placed in a B&B by Housing Options): a. 2016/2017 b. 2017/2018 (* We assume that these Bed and Breakfast properties are owned, and/or managed by private landlords) If your response to the above questions is '0' please clearly explain your reasoning for this. Please clearly indicate in your response which numbers correspond to which group of B&B residents, i.e. if they are private households living in B&B or if the household has been placed by the local authority's Housing Options team as part of homelessness. If you cannot differentiate between the two groups please indicate this in your response. If resources do not allow you to report on both financial years, please return data from 2017/2018. If you cannot report on the total annual figure, please provide snapshots of figures on 1st of each month (or closest to) for the corresponding years.

    Published: 7 November 2018

  4. I write to you to request the following information from your planning department. The request relates to planning applications submitted to you under 'class C2' (Residential Institutions) and 'class C2a' (Secure Residential Institutions) within the following periods: a) 1st Jan 2018 - to date b) 1st Jan 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 c) 1st Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2016 d) 1st Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 e) 1st Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2014.

    Published: 7 November 2018

  5. 1. What is the current level of retail voids (vacant retail spaces) in your council area?

    2. What percentage of these voids have been in the following categories: o A1. Shops (inc. retail sale of goods other than hot food) o A2. Financial and professional services o A3. Food and drink o B1. Business (inc. offices) o C1. Hotels and hostels o D2. Assembly and leisure (inc. cinemas, bingo halls) o Other, please specify

    3. Has the level of retail voids increased or decreased over the past 12 months and by how much?

    4. Have you increased or decreased the business rates in FY17/18 and by how much?

    5. Have you requested funds from the discretionary relief fund to provide business rate discounts to those businesses most in need in your area? o If yes, where have/will these funds be allocated?

    6. Is your council a business landlord?

    Published: 7 November 2018

  6. Please supply the list of organisations currently providing accommodation classified as "specified accommodation" for housing benefit purposes (regulation 75H of the Housing Benefit Regulations SI 2006/213) in your area. For the avoidance of doubt, we only require the names of the provider organisations. To help you locate this information, we are aware that such a list should exist within the unit that deals with Housing Benefit (HB) (see the Department of Work and Pensions' HB Circular A8/2014 (paras 40 to 44)). DWP underline it is "essential that the information is accurate and kept up to date" (para 41). Purpose for which the information is to be re-used: With the information you and other organisations supply we intend to publish a UK directory of providers of specified accommodation. Parties interested in the directory might include researchers, local authorities, housing advisers and consultants seeking comparators for supported housing schemes in a given postcode area.

    Published: 5 November 2018

  7. I should like to request the following information:

    1. The names and addresses of all museums owned and run by the Council, including those run through a Trust on the Council's behalf.

    2. Total annual opening hours for each museum in (1) for each year since 2010. I would like this information to be sent to me via email, see address below.

    Published: 25 October 2018

  8. I am requesting a simple schedule of the items in your ownership or possession (in full or part) which can be described as "art" with a nominal value over £100. Please include items which have been placed into arms length organisations such as trusts and charities, and which would revert to the authority in the event of dissolution. Please provide; > The name and / or description of the item. > Whether it is on view to the general public, or other status such as on loan, restricted viewing, or in storage. > Acquisition date. > Date to be returned if borrowed. > The last known or estimated value. > Acquisition cost. I do not require listings where they are retail stock, or specifically used for theatre production, classrooms, or healthcare.

    Published: 25 October 2018

  9. Under the Freedom Of Information Act, please could you tell me how many restaurants, takeaways or food shops in your local authority have had a low or zero food rating due to a cockroach infestation over the past 12 months?

    Published: 25 October 2018

  10. I would like to request details of any funds used by the authority in relation to the establishment of a business improvement district regardless, of the outcome of this spend. I am interested in monies spent hiring consultants to write a business plan and carry out a ballot as well as funds spent on any feasibility studies which may have not, or not yet, resulted in a business improvement district being established. In the event of funds having been spent I would also like to know the name of the area in question, X Town Centre or Y Industrial Estate for example. In the event of a business improvement district being established the only information I require is the name of the organisation.

    Published: 25 October 2018