Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I should like to request the following information:

    1. The name and address of each leisure centre run by the Council, or by an independent trust on the Council's behalf, in (a) 2010 and (b) 2017.

    2. The total annual opening hours of each leisure centre in (1) in (a) 2010, and (b), 2017.

    3. The total number of staff employed in each leisure centre in (1) in (a) 2010, and (b) 2017.

    Published: 25 April 2019

  2. 1) Are electrical appliances recycled or re-sold by your local authority when collected from households or deposited at your recycling facility? (please specify)

    2) How are they processed? a) They are recycled i.e. broken down into recyclable parts on-site or by a contractor off-site (please specify) b) They are recycled for re-use i.e. broken down into parts and re-used in other electrical products c) They are re-sold for re-use as a second hand electrical good for sale without being broken down d) Other - please specify

    3) Who processes them? (E.g. local authority, contractor, re-manufacturer, second hands retail store)

    1) Are electrical appliances recycled or re-sold by your local authority when collected from households or deposited at your recycling facility? (please specify)

    2) How are they processed?

    3) Who processes them? (E.g. local authority, contractor, re-manufacturer, second hands retail store)

    4) If re-sold, are the items checked for

    • a) electrical hazards and / or
    • b) if they are recalled electrical products prior to their sale? If so, who undertakes this task?

    Published: 25 April 2019

  3. Request for the following information:

    1a) The total amount of Council Tax which was unpaid, by municipal year from 2012/13 and including any arrears in 2018/19 to date);

    1b) The total amount of Council Tax, which was owed but never paid by Universal Credit claimants since 2012/13 (broken down by municipal year and including any arrears in 2018/19 to date);

    1c) The number of households in receipt of Universal Credit which are currently in arrears on their Council Tax;

    2) Since the national introduction of Universal Credit from 2013 onwards, has your authority had to reduce the number of housing officers dealing with benefits queries because of a reduction in government funding? If so, please provide figures for government funding and staffing numbers (in Full Time Equivalents) before and after these reductions.

    Published: 16 April 2019

  4. Please can I request under the Freedom of Information Act:

    a) Any estimate of the total monetary cost to your authority of the introduction of Universal Credit since its inception in 2013 (ideally broken down by municipal year and including 2018/19 to date);

    b) The total monetary value of any crisis loans funded by yourselves and given to Universal Credit claimants since January 1 2013;

    c) The total funding given by yourselves to third-sector organisations for the purpose of supporting Universal Credit claimants since January 1 2013;

    d) The cost to yourselves of offering support or advice to Universal Credit claimants who are in financial difficulty or struggling with the process of claiming Universal Credit since January 1 2013

    Published: 16 April 2019

  5. Under the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015:

    1. How many microchip enforcement notices did you issue in 2018?

    2. How many of those notices resulted in full compliance by the keeper?

    3. How many of those notices resulted in a prosecution?

    4. How many of those prosecutions resulted in a conviction?

    5. For those convictions, what penalties were imposed by the court?

    Published: 12 April 2019

  6. I would like to know how many HMO's in Beckingham Road have licences. GU2 8BU

    Published: 28 March 2019

  7. I wish to request the following information under FOI/EIR legislation:

    1. List of all applications to fell trees covered by Tree Protection Orders received by the council in the last five years, and the outcome of those applications

    2. List of all replacement notices given by Guildford Borough Council on trees felled in the last five years

    3. Number of TPOs imposed in the last five years and the total number in operation in the city.

    Published: 27 March 2019

  8. Would you be able to provide the following statistics from the dates of 1st June 2017 - 31st December 2018.

    1. Number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) served for parking violations (ideally split out by not paying parking charges and parking in a disabled space without a badge)

    2. Total amount (in pounds) received from PCNs

    3. Number of PCNs appealed

    4. Number of appeals upheld

    5. Total amount (in pounds) refunded for upheld appeals

    6. Number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) served for driving in bus lanes

    7. Total amount (in pounds) received from PCNs

    8. Number of PCNs appealed

    9. Number of appeals upheld

    10. Total amount (in pounds) refunded for upheld appeals

    Published: 27 March 2019

  9. I'd like to know, for each of: • 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017

    1. What was the council's income from council tax?

    2. How much funding from other sources (Central Government, Lottery or similar) did the Council receive specifically to invest in parks and open spaces?

    3. How much money did the council spend on improving and maintaining parks and open spaces?

    Published: 26 March 2019

  10. The submission by the Surrey Hills AONB Board regarding the consultation of the Local Plan. The Surrey Hills AONB board submit recommendations for planning policy in the local plan. I am particularly interested in the board's comments on AGLV policy and also the AONB candidate areas in the AGLV.

    Published: 25 March 2019