Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Freedom of Information request - Software Systems 1. What Software Systems are currently used by the Council (please identify each system if more than one is used) for: • Programme and / or Project management? • Risk Management recording and reporting • Performance Management reporting • Freedom of Information recording and tracking

    2. When do the contracts expire for each software system used?

    3. Do you have any planned changes or upgrades of the software currently used? If so, when?

    4. How much does each system cost including both the initial licence fee and the annual charge?

    5. If you do not have a system how are programmes and projects managed currently?

    6. How (which procurement route or framework) was the contract initially tendered and when was this tender awarded?

    7. If no software or tendered contract is in place currently are you considering tendering or purchasing further software within the next 12 months? If so via which procurement route or framework would you be using?

    8. How many users / licenses for each system have you purchased for each system?

    9. Who is the person responsible for the identified Software Systems? Please provide full name, title and contact information if possible.

    Published: 29 May 2019

  2. I am writing to make a request for information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information with respect to your local authority:

    a) The amount of council tax arrears at the end of financial year 2017/18 (ie 31st March 2018 or 5th April 2018);

    b) Your latest estimate of the amount of council tax arrears in your authority; I appreciate that this amount will fluctuate during the course of the financial year but would be grateful for your latest estimate; Do let me know if you need any further clarification.

    Published: 29 May 2019

  3. Information Request - Please could you provide the following information: Do you employ an animal health inspector? If yes is the inspector equipped and trained to deal with equine related welfare cases? Thank you.

    Published: 29 May 2019

  4. Please see below my request for Freedom of Information on Council Tax and Business Rates. 1) Who supplies the software you will use to calculate the council tax charge for the 2019/20 year? 2) Who supplies the software you will use to calculate the business rates charge for the 2019/20 year? 3) Who supplies the software you will use to calculate the annual award of council tax reduction / support for the 2019/20 year?

    Published: 28 May 2019

  5. 1. How many people does the council currently employ in communications, press office and/or public relations positions?

    2. What was the total annual spend by the council on public relations, press office and communications for the calendar year of 2018?

    3. Does the council use any external organisations to handle communications or public relations? If so, which companies are used and how much did the council spend on these services in 2018

    Published: 28 May 2019

  6. Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to ask for statistics on the following:

    1. How many cremations did your crematorium(s) perform in 2018?

    2. How many of these cremations opted not to hold a service at your crematoria in 2018?

    3. How many were direct cremations in 2018?

    4. How many were commitals in 2018?

    5. What is your current price for a standard funeral with a service held at Midday on a weekday?

    6. What is your current price for a direct cremation with no service?

    7. Do you have any refrigerated storage? If so, for how many deceased?

    Published: 28 May 2019

  7. For each unauthorised traveller encampment on Bellfields Green in 2018, how much did the council spend on clearing up the site?

    Published: 28 May 2019

  8. Please provide the following information related to housing benefit amounts paid to people in receipt of care in supported living settings. By supporting living, we mean those who live in a property with their own tenancy, but receiving care and support commissioned by the local authority:

    1) The lowest weekly housing benefit amount you paid to an individual as part of a supported living arrangement for the financial year 2018/19 for: a) Learning Disability b) Mental Health

    2) The mean weekly housing benefit amount you paid to an individual as part of a supported living arrangement for the financial year 2018/19 for: a) Learning Disability b) Mental Health

    3) The highest weekly housing benefit amount you paid to an individual as part of a supported living arrangement for the financial year 2018/19 for: a) Learning Disability b) Mental Health

    4) Please explain how housing benefit amounts are calculated for those in receipt of care in supported living settings.

    Published: 28 May 2019

  9. 1) When someone applies for private hire or hackney carriage driver licence, do you ask if they have been licensed by another council?

    2) If yes to question one, do you contact the other council for information and what information do you ask?

    3) Do you do a yearly DVLA driving licence check for all of your licensed private hire and hackney carriage drivers, whether their licence is due for renewal or not? This is an annual inspection including mid-term licences, not a three yearly inspection or inspections on renewal.

    4) If yes to question three, is the check done by the council or does a third-party do the check?

    5) Do you do a mechanical testing of vehicles wishing to be licensed as private hire or hackney carriage vehicles at a council owned testing garage?

    6) If yes to question five, what is DVSA (VOSA) rating of your garage?

    7) If no to question five, who conducts a mechanical testing of the vehicles?

    Published: 28 May 2019

  10. All of the below questions relate to any contracts you have with enforcement (debt collection) service providers for the recovery of unpaid Council Tax, Business Rates and Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs).

    1. Please specify whether you have an existing contract(s) for Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) Services for Council Tax, Business Rates and PCN debt collection and which of the three types of debt collection mentioned above it covers? Type of contract Yes/No Response Single contract for Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) Services for Council Tax, Business Rates and PCNs Separate contracts for Council Tax, Business Rates and PCNs A combined contract covering debt collection for two of the debts mentioned and another for the third (please state the combination) No contract for collection of one or more types of the debts mentioned above (please specify which)

    2. Please provide the dates that all of your existing contracts for Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) Services for Council Tax, Business Rates and PCN debt collection will expire

    3. Please state the name of all Enforcement Agencies appointed by the above contracts

    4. How many debt collection instructions were issued in a) 2016, b) 2017 c) 2018 to the Enforcement Agencies mentioned since the contract with them was put in place?

    5. If you don't have a current contract with an Enforcement Agency in place, please could you specify:

    a) The process by which your council collects unpaid Council Tax, Business Rates and PCNs. Please make clear the bodies or companies responsible for the delivery of this service

    b) The number of debt collection instructions issued to the bodies or companies delivering these services on an annual basis over the last five years

    6. Do you engage Enforcement Services under a Service Level Agreement and if so, what date is the contract due to be reviewed? Use of Service Level Agreement (Yes/No) Review date of the Service Level Agreement

    Published: 24 May 2019