Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you send me in excel (or similar) format the following information: A list of commercial properties within your councils area with the following information: • VOA Reference Number • VOA Property Description • Business Name / Occupier Details • Current Rateable Value • Occupation Date • Full Address and Postcode • Details of any Reliefs that each property is receiving • Relief Amount • Date Relief Applied I would like to receive both Limited and Sole Trader information and as stated before would request this information in Microsoft Excel or similar format.

    Published: 12 June 2019

  2. 1. Whether high streets within your local authority have free public wifi.

    2. If free wifi is provided on high streets within your local authority, who fund and provides that service. Public Interest I believe there is a strong public interest in releasing this information since it will promote greater transparency in government and greater accountability in the conduct of those who hold public office.

    Published: 11 June 2019

  3. 1) How many people HOUSED BY THE COUNCIL died in a. General needs housing managed by the council b. General needs housing managed by any other organisation, including housing associations and RMOs. c. Sheltered Housing d. Temporary Accommodation e. Emergency Accommodation f. Any other type of housing To be clear: I'd like you to count all the people housed by the council, including those housed in other councils' areas.

    2) For each of those deaths, broken down by year and type of accommodation as per Q1: a. How many were reported to the coroner? b. How many required an inquest? c. For those that went to inquest, what was the recorded cause of death? (e.g. drugs, suicide, natural causes etc.) d. What was the age of the person who died?

    3) At the end of each financial year (i.e. on 31st March) please could you tell me the total number of PEOPLE (not households) housed in each of the types of accommodation in Q1? To be clear - I'd like the total number of people housed AT THAT POINT, not the total housed across the previous financial year.

    Published: 11 June 2019

  4. Dear Sir or Madam, Please could you provide the following information about the usage of your website and any relevant sub-domains: Please note: If your organisation uses Google Analytics to manage its website data please consider using our custom report (see end of this request) which will automatically collate the information below. Please provide the below figures for the 12 months ending 31 July 2018 unless only a shorter time frame is possible.

    1. The total number of sessions (also known as visits) made to your website(s).

    2. The total number of sessions broken down by day of the week (e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc..)

    3. The overall "bounce rate" that is the proportion of sessions which involved only 1 pageview.

    4. The proportion of sessions on your website made on desktop devices, mobile devices and tablet devices respectively.

    5. The total number of sessions for each channel group (what Google Analytics calls 'Default Channel Grouping') (e.g. Direct, Organic search, Referral, Social, Other etc..).

    6. The total number of conversions (what Google Analytics calls 'Goals') in the past 12 months. Note: If you have not configured your system to collect conversions please state that.

    7. The total number of sessions per advertising campaign. Note: If you have not configured your system to collect advertising campaign data please state that.

    8. Please confirm what system you use to measure site usage (such as Google Analytics). If you filter some sessions from your website (such as visits from IP addresses used by your employees), please provide the figures for both the filtered and unfiltered data (what Google Analytics calls "views"). If you have multiple websites please provide these figures for each site. Please ensure that the data is provided under a licence that facilitates re-use (the Open Government Licence would be ideal). Please note: If you use Google Analytics Google Analytics includes a feature called 'Custom Report Template Sharing' which will automatically compile specific data stored in Google Analytics without the need to manually drill down into the data. We recognise Freedom of Information requests of this nature can be time consuming so to reduce the workload we have setup a custom report template which, if you permit, will automatically compile the data we are requesting into one report. This data can then be exported into an Excel document like other typical FOI responses. • Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to use the custom report template here - • Here is the URL for the Custom Report Template - Overall the data we are requesting from you will be used to update a report we published in 2015. You can find out more here Many thanks, Luke Piper Sent via Mail Merge

    Published: 7 June 2019

  5. 1. What was the council's public relations and marketing budget for the last financial year (2018-19)?

    2. How many staff are currently employed in marketing and public relations and marketing based roles?

    Published: 6 June 2019

  6. Hi, I wish to submit a request for some of the organisation's information around the internal plans and strategy documents around ICT. The ICT documents I require is the 2019 - Onwards. If any of the documents is for example 2017-2020 please make sure that this is the 2019 version of the document. Or the most recent update. I wish to obtain the following documents:

    1. ICT/IM&T/IS Strategy- The IT department strategy or plans, highlights their current and future objectives.

    2. ICT Annual or Business Plan- Similar to the ICT strategy but is more annually focused.

    3. ICT Capital Programme/budget- A document that shows financials budget on current and future projects. If some of these documents are not valid, please state when the 2019 ICT documents are planned to be published. Please do get back to me if you have further questions or feedback.

    Published: 4 June 2019

  7. In this instance we would like to request the following information:

    (1) The number of listed building consent applications that were made to Guildford Borough Council during the financial years 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 and the current 2018/19 tax year up to the present date.

    (2) The number of listed building consent applications that were granted by Guildford Borough Council during the same period.

    (3) The number of listed building consent applications that were rejected by Guildford Borough Council during the same period.

    (4) The number of listed building consent applications that were rejected by Guildford Borough Council during this period that were subsequently appealed to the Planning Inspectorate and granted consent as a result of that appeal.

    (5) The number of listed building consent applications made to Guildford Borough Council during this period that were appealed to the Planning Inspectorate as a result of not receiving an answer from Guildford Borough Council within the required eight week period after application.

    (6) The number of listed building consent applications that were made under delegated powers by Guildford Borough Council in each year of the previously mentioned period.

    (7) The number of conservation officers employed by Guildford Borough Council as well as the number of ancillary staff and the budget allocated to the process of listed building consent in each year of this period.

    (8) The number of enforcement notices issued by Guildford Borough Council regarding listed buildings in each year of the same period.

    (9) If any of the above information is not presently held by Guildford Borough Council; is such information held by any other local or central government organisation, and if so which body? We thank you for your prompt response. Yours sincerely

    Published: 30 May 2019

  8. • The total spent by the local authority on print advertising in local or regional newspapers and magazines in 2018

    • The total spent by the local authority on print advertising in local or regional newspapers and magazines in 2017

    • The total spent by the local authority on print advertising in local or regional newspapers and magazines in 2008

    • The total spent* by the local authority on authority owned or managed print publications for each of the following categories - A) Newsletters B) Magazines C) Newspapers in 2018

    • The total spent* by the local authority on authority owned or managed print publications for each of the following categories - A) Newsletters B) Magazines C) Newspapers in 2017 *Including costs of staffing, design, printing and distribution If further information is required please do not hesitate to get in touch. If it is not possible to fulfil the request please can you provide suggestions as to how it can be altered to achieve the above stated objective, as required by the FOI act.

    Published: 30 May 2019

  9. I writing to request information under the freedom of information act Please send a full and up to date list of companies and charities that have become liable for business rates between the 15th Dec 18 to the 14th Jan 19. I would like you to include - * Business name * Full address * Date of liability * Type of property

    Published: 30 May 2019

  10. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I should like to request the following information:

    1. The name and address of each music venue business registered with the Council in

    (a) 2010 and (b) 2017, including and identifying those open in 2010 but closed before 2017, and those not open in 2010 but opened by 2017.

    2. The total annual business rate paid by each music venue in (1) in (a) 2010, and (b), 2017.

    Published: 30 May 2019