Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Please advise: 1. How many of your buildings (including any housing stock) you have installed double glazing for any windows of in over the last 12 months. 2. How many of your buildings (including any housing stock) you have installed any loft insulation in over the last 12 months. 3. How many of your buildings (including any housing stock) you have installed any solar panels on over the last 12 months.

    Published: 23 December 2021

  2. Please can you provide the following information

    1. Total number of Hackney Carriage vehicle's currently licenced by your authority.

    2. Do you impose a vehicle condition relating to a top light?

    3. If yes to Q2 what is the wording of this condition?

    4. If yes to Q2 have you received any complaints or requests to remove the condition relating to top lights? If so how many? And how many of these were on grounds of public safety?

    Published: 23 December 2021

  3. 1. The total sum spent on any improvements to the cycle network / infrastructure in your area in the last five years (broken down by year if possible)

    2. A brief outline of the improvements made

    3. The budget set aside for planned improvements to the cycle network / infrastructure in your area in the next five years (broken down by year if possible)

    4. A brief outline of the planned improvements

    5. Current percentage of roads in your area that feature cycle lanes

    6. Current total distance of cycle lanes in your area

    7. Current estimated number of frequent cyclists / cycle lane users in your area 8. Anticipated or forecasted number of cyclists / cycle lane users in your area in the next five years

    Published: 23 December 2021

  4. Please may you provide me with the answers to the following questions: Q1. What is the total number of all forms of vehicular transport operated by the council in order for it to carry out its work on a daily basis, including owned, leased, hired or shared with other organisations? Type Number of vehicles Cars LCV (under 3.5tonnes) MCV (3.5-7.5tonnes) HGV (7.5tonnes+) Minibuses (9-17seats) Buses and coaches (17+seats) Other (e-bikes, scooters, mopeds) Q2. Based on the answers provided in Q1, how many vehicles are in each category: Type Petrol Diesel Plug-in hybrid Pure electric Other propulsion (e.g. LPG or hydrogen) Cars LCV (under 3.5tonnes) MCV (3.5-7.5tonnes) HGV Minibuses (9-17seats) Buses and coaches Other (e-bikes, scooters, mopeds etc.) Q3. For the vehicles that are electric, the charging predominantly takes place (please tick): Type In-house Employees' homes Public charging point N/A Cars LCV (under 3.5tonnes) MCV (3.5-7.5tonnes) HGV Minibuses (9-17seats) Buses and coaches Other (e-bikes, scooters, mopeds etc.) Q4. Assuming you have a net-zero transition strategy in place, as per guidance set out by government, please indicate at what stage within the vehicle transition process you are (tick the relevant boxes): No strategy planned Planned but not started Business case and plan developed Business case planned, developed and approved/signed off by cabinet or other authorising body As above, with budgets approved and assigned Implementation of plan due to start Implementation of plan in progress Implementation plan executed Strategy/implementation plan abandoned Q5. Has the strategy referred to in Q4 been developed: In-house With support of external consultancy and advice Entirely outsourced planning and implementation Q6. Based on the answers provided in Q2, what is the planned timeline within the strategy to transition groups of vehicles? Already transitioned 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2040 After 2040 Cars LCV (under 3.5tonnes) MCV (3.5-7.5tonnes) HGV (7.5tonnes+) Minibuses (9-17seats) Buses and coaches (17+seats) Other (e-bikes, scooters, mopeds)

    Published: 23 December 2021

  5. Can you share with me information about what happens with the bins/recycling that is collected? Is recycling delivered to a dedicated place to process recycling? Is recycling taken to the same place as general waste?

    Published: 23 December 2021

  6. 1) Does the council use bailiffs when it comes to council tax debt collection? 2) How much has the council spent on bailiffs each year for the last 5 financial years? 3) How much money has been accrued by the council via the use of bailiffs each year for the last 5 financial years?

    Published: 20 July 2020

  7. Invoice payment performance data for financial years 18/19 and 19/20:

    1. How many invoices were paid late (actual number rather than %) and what is the total value of invoices paid late?

    2. Is this split out by sector / category or can you identify SME suppliers that have been paid late? If so, what are the volumes values?

    3. How many claims have you processed for late payment of invoices? How many claims were successful and how many were rejected (and for what reason)? (Volumes and values of claims)

    4. Do you have a documented process for late payment claims? If so, is this published and can it be shared? In the absence of a process, where should late payment claims be submitted? I am aware that many councils may publish a summary of their payment performance as required by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. I am seeking the transaction detail that sits behind this.

    Published: 17 July 2020

  8. Please can you supply me with the following information? Registration number: Make: Model: Of all vehicles currently registered as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire.

    Published: 3 July 2020

  9. 1. How many young people age 18-25 applied as homeless to this authority since 1st January 2018 to 1st January 2020?

    2. How many, if any, of those young people were Care Leavers?

    3. How many, if any, of the young people were deemed to be in priority need?

    4. How many, if any, of the young people deemed to be in priority need were Care Leavers?

    Published: 28 April 2020

  10. 1) How many council property tenancies were transferred to a family member in the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019?

    2) How many properties were bought as part of the Right to Buy Scheme in in the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019?

    Published: 22 April 2020