Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Hi I am looking to be sent the Full public HMO register for Guildford. I would like the full register to state the licence`s address and where the holder lives please.

    Published: 19 June 2019

  2. Dear Freedom of information team, 1, What Document / Records management system/s does the council currently use? Please include the supplier/vendor name, software product name and version number. 1.2, What is the current annual cost for the solution? 1.3,What year was the solution first purchased? 1.4 Do you use a separate document management system in any department i.e. HR or Revenues and benefits? 2, Where are physical records / documents stored? 2.1 How many physical records are currently being stored either by supplier or by the council. 2.2 If out sourced with a supplier please provide start/end date and spend for 2018. 2.3 If managed in-house how much does the council spend annually on physical storage of records? Including any building and staff costs. 3, Is there any agreements or projects in place to digitise paper records? 3.1 If so, is this being done in-house or by a supplier? 3.2 If by a supplier, please provide details of who and when the contract started. 4, Can you please provide the name and contact details of the member(s) of staff that would look after the above 3 points.

    Published: 19 June 2019

  3. Good afternoon, I am trying to ascertain whether or not the tender at Kingston Avenue, East Horsley, Leatherhead for Pitched roof replacement on main roof. Flat and pitched roof replacement on link attached sheds tendered 5th September 2018 has been awarded yet and if so, are you able to tell me who to?

    Published: 19 June 2019

  4. To Whom it May Concern; Please can you help me out with the following FOI request:

    1. How many council owned, public football pitches do you currently operate (latest figures available)

    2.How many council owned, public football pitches did you operate in the financial year 2009/2010

    3.How many council owned, public football pitches were sold, or closed, from the financial year 2009/2010 to the present date?

    Published: 19 June 2019

  5. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please would you be able to provide the following information • The annual budget for street cleaning each financial year since 2010-2011• The number of full time equivalent staff delivering street cleaning services in each financial year since 2010-2011 • The average number of miles of road cleaned per week, in each financial year since 2010-11 • The number of complaints received by the local authority in relation to cleanliness of streets in each financial year since 2009-2010 Please can you provide the information electronically.

    Published: 19 June 2019

  6. I would be most grateful if you could kindly supply the answers to the attached questions for the last 3 financial years in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide all answers within the highlighted fields of the attached spreadsheet: If the collation of this data is likely to exceed statutory limit please work up to the statutory limit and indicate where you have stopped and how many hours of work it took to collate each section. All answers provided within this FOI will be used to develop a thesis on national trends for reactions to allergens as a result of a food stimulus.

    Published: 19 June 2019

  7. Dear Sir/Madam, May I please request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information:

    1. Whether the maintenance of parks, gardens, and grass verges in your council is carried out by council or sub contracted employees?

    2. Whether the trade recycle collection is carried out by council or sub contracted employees?

    3. Whether maintenance/repair of waste vehicle fleet is carried out by council or sub contracted employees?

    Published: 19 June 2019

  8. I would like a full list of businesses that have become liable for business rate between the 15th Feb to the 8th March 19 if possible please. Please include the following * Full business name * Full property address * Date of liability * Property type Please send in excel format.

    Published: 18 June 2019

  9. Dear Freedom of Information Officer, Please could you provide me with the number of people employed by your authority as: • Barristers • Solicitors • Qualified legal executives (defined by membership of CiLEX) And could this broken down head count (barristers/solicitors/legal executives) be provided for 2017-18 and each of the previous nine years back to 2007/2008?

    Published: 18 June 2019

  10. Dear FOI Team, I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information act:

    1) For the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, please may I have both: a) The number of Community Protection Notices (CPNs) issued, b) And the number of CPN warnings issued.

    2) Additionally for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, please may I have either: a) The full text of every CPN issued (along with the date) with any personal info redacted, b) Or a general description of the subject matter and cited justification for the CPN if 2a) is not possible.

    Published: 18 June 2019