Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1) Are electrical appliances recycled or re-sold by your local authority when collected from households or deposited at your recycling facility? (please specify)

    2) How are they processed? a) They are recycled i.e. broken down into recyclable parts on-site or by a contractor off-site (please specify) b) They are recycled for re-use i.e. broken down into parts and re-used in other electrical products c) They are re-sold for re-use as a second hand electrical good for sale without being broken down d) Other - please specify

    3) Who processes them? (E.g. local authority, contractor, re-manufacturer, second hands retail store)

    4) If re-sold, are the items checked a) for electrical hazards and / or b) if they are subject to a product recall prior to their sale? If so, who undertakes this task?

    5) Do you know where the electrical items are re-sold? a) Sold at a goods auction (please specify) b) Sold/given to a charity c) Sold to consumers directly (online/in person/at your recycling site) (please specify) d) Sold at a local market place e) Don't know f) Other - please specify

    6) What advice is available to consumers from your local authority on: a) recycling of electrical goods and how they are disposed of (e.g. broken down etc) b) resale of electrical goods (e.g. where they are sold)

    Published: 26 June 2019

  2. 1. Please could you confirm when you local plan or Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) was last updated ?

    2. Please can you confirm when you will next update your local plan ?

    3. Please can you provide a link to your local plan ?

    Published: 25 June 2019

  3. 1. How many unpaid council tax reminders were sent to councillors elected in your authority between 2015/16 and 2017/18? Please break down by financial year?

    2. How many councillors were summonsed to court or given summary warrants in the same period? Again, please break down by financial year.

    3a. How many reminders were issued to the councillors named? Please break down by year.

    3b. For each instance, please provide the name of each councillor, the party they represent or represented at the time and the amount of council tax owed according to sums requested in the letter. Please also provide the amount of council tax that remains outstanding.

    3c. Please also state for each councillor, whether they were barred from voting on the council's budget as a result of their council tax arrears and whether any summons received resulted in a court hearing going ahead.

    Published: 25 June 2019

  4. I wish to know of all councils whether or not you conduct any regular inspections of hunts in your area. Please answer the following specific questions: As most hunts are now registered limited companies, are they subjected to business tax and business records inspections by the council, if not who conducts these inspections? Does the council conduct inspections of the premises of these businesses and for what reasons, if not why not? Does the council inspect planning permission for hound kennels, if not why not? Does the council inspect the kennels for correct accommodation suitability and conditions for keeping hounds. If not why not? Does the council inspect (with the correct trained member of staff) the hounds for health and welfare. If not why not? Does the council inspect premises and the practises of hunts in regards to disposal of waste using drains and water courses. If not why not? Does the council inspect hunts to check they adhere to regulations regarding the proper disposal of hound carcases and farm animal carcass`s used to feed hounds. If not why not? Are hunting hounds ever checked for health (potential diseases) before they attend events which bring them in to direct contact with the public, such as Boxing Day meets, country shows and primary school visits which risk spreading diseases (particularly to the old and young). If not why not? Are hunts inspected to ensure that they are following health and safety codes in the work place and when out in public, including COSHH certificates for any substance used on site or for trails? If not why not? Given the recent prosecution of William Pinkney (Carmarthenshire Hunt) and the case of hounds with TB at Kimblewick hunt a while ago, the public need to know what is happening with their local hunts regarding these matters and to feel that regulations that should be adhered to are being enforced and checked regularly by authorities.

    Published: 25 June 2019

  5. Transit Sites Environmental Information Regulations Q1. Does your Local Authority have a transit site intended to be used by the Traveller and Gypsy Community? If No, are you considering the development of a transit site? If Yes:

    Q2. How many caravans does the site/s accommodate?

    Q3. How many days has the site been occupied since 1 January 2018.

    Q4. What is the average number of occupation (caravans) on each occasion?

    Q5. What facilities are available on-site e.g toilets, washing lines, play areas?

    Q6. Is the transit site free to use? If Yes go to Q8

    Q7. If there is a charge please explain the tariff eg, deposit and or daily / weekly charge?

    Q8. Who manages the running of the site?

    Published: 25 June 2019

  6. Please provide me with a list of landlords (names and addresses) for licensed HMO's and Selective Licensing I am aware that this is covered by the Freedom of Information Act and that Data Protection does not apply.

    Published: 25 June 2019

  7. 1a) How many penalty charge notices were issued to drivers in 2017, 2018 and 2019 thus far (please give data for each year separately)?

    1b) The total income from any fines/penalties issued to drivers from penalty charge notices in 2017, 2018 and 2019 thus far for each year separately.

    2a) The number of penalty charge notices issued to drivers in 2017, 2018 and 2019 thus far (please give data for each year separately), broken down by offence e.g. bus lane fines, parking fines, no right or left turn fines, yellow box junction fines?

    2b) The total income from any fines/penalties issued to drivers from penalty charge notices in 2017, 2018 and 2019 thus far for each year separately, broken down by offence as above .

    Published: 24 June 2019

  8. I would like to make a request under the freedom of information act for the following information: Motor Vehicles that were either renewed or first registered for public hire i.e. Hackney Carriage or Private Hire relating to the period 1st November 2018 to 28th February 2019. Specifically, I would like to know: (If any of these elements are not available, please supply the ones that are) Vehicle registration Manufacturer (Make) Model Date at which they were first licensed Date at which the license ceased

    Published: 24 June 2019

  9. Could you please provide the following information: Has the council or its contractors used any glyphosate-based herbicides in the year 2018/2019? Yes or no.

    Can you confirm the total litres of glysophate-based herbicides applied either by the council or its contractors in 2018/2019?

    What is the percentage change (increase or decrease) in litres usage of glysophate-based herbicides from 2017/2018 to 2018/2019?

    Can you confirm the total of pounds amount spent on glysophate-based herbicides by the council or its contractors in 2018/2019?

    What was the brand name of the glyphosate-based herbicides used in the year 2018/2019?

    Were glyphosate-based herbicides used on any playgrounds in the year 2018/2019?

    Were glyphosate-based herbicides used on any school grounds in the year 2018/2019?

    Were glyphosate-based herbicides used on any housing estates in the year 2018/2019?

    Were glyphosate-based herbicides used on any hospital grounds in the year 2018/2019?

    Were glyphosate-based herbicides used on any NHS doctor surgeries in the year 2018/2019?

    Were glyphosate-based herbicides used within a 10m radius of any playgrounds, schools, hospitals, housing estates or private homes in the year 2018/2019?

    Has the council or its contractors currently used any other herbicides or methods of weedkilling in 2018/2019 i.e. not glysophate-based?

    If yes, what other herbicides or methods were used in 2018/2019? Has the council or its contractors used any insecticides in the year 2018/2019?

    If yes, what is the brand name, or active ingredient, of the insecticides used in 2018/2019?

    Has the council or its contractors used any fungicides in the year 2018/2019?

    If yes, what is the brand name, or active ingredient, of the fungicides used in 2018/2019?

    Published: 24 June 2019

  10. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would be interested in any information held by the local authority regarding my request. I understand that I do not have to specify particular files or documents and it is the departments responsibilty to provide the information I require.

    1) total number of all assessments liable for non-domestic (business) rates in the local authority area during 2017/18 and 2018/19.

    2) in the financial years 2017/18 and 2018/19 please advise:- I) total number of summons issued in the Magistrates Court for non-payment either in whole or and/or in part of non-domestic (business) rates. II) total number of Liability Orders obtained in the Magistrates Court for non-payment either in whole or in part of non-domestic (business) rates. III) total number of referrals made to Enforcement Officers (Bailiffs) to enforce Liability Orders for non-payment either in whole or in part of non-domestic (business) rates. If my request is denied in whole and/or in part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the Act.

    Published: 24 June 2019