Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. I would like a full and up to date list of businesses/companies/charities that have become newly liable for business rates from the 15/04/19-30/04/2019. Please include the following * Full business name/liable party * Full address including postcode of property they have recently become liable for * Date of new liability * Type of property

    Published: 2 July 2019

  2. 1. The current length of the OT waiting list. Please include: The total number of cases The approximate wait in months for an OT assessment. Adult and paediatric figures. A breakdown of case category numbers i.e. DFG, Moving & Handling

    2. If you have used an external independent occupational therapy organisation in the last 12 months (1st May 2018 -30th April 2019) and if so: Their name The number of cases outsourced and a cost paid per assessment (on average if easier) The total value spent with them during this timeframe If the work was tendered If the supplier is under a contract what is the end contract date.

    3. If there are any current vacant posts in the OT team and the total unspent salary value of these posts for the past 12 months (1st May 2018 - 30th April 2019)

    4. The name, email and contact number of the person responsible for commissioning independent OT assessments on behalf of the Council.

    Published: 2 July 2019

  3. 1.) How many Exotic, Dangerous or Wild Animals Licenses did the council issue in the period between 1st May 2018 and 30th April 2019 (inclusive)? 1a) For each of these licenses, please state the species for which the license was issued.

    2) How many Exotic, Dangerous or Wild Animals Licenses did the council issue in the period between 1st May 2017 and 30th April 2018 (inclusive)?

    2a) For each of these licenses, please state the species for which the license was issued.

    3) In the period between 1st May 2018 and 30th April 2019 (inclusive), please provide a list of the animals (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department AND which are included amongst those species for which owners are required to hold a license (under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act).

    3a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; was the discovery made whilst your Environmental Health team were carrying out other routine work etc).

    3b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).

    4) In the period between 1st May 2017 and 30th April 2018 (inclusive), please provide a list of the animals (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department AND which are included amongst those species for which owners are required to hold a license (under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act).

    4a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; were your Environmental Health team carrying out other routine work etc).

    4b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).

    5) In the period between 1st May 2018 and 30th April 2019 (inclusive), please provide a list of the non-native species (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department.

    5a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; was the discovery made whilst your Environmental Health team were carrying out other routine work etc).

    5b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).

    6) In the period between 1st May 2017 and 30th April 2018 (inclusive), please provide a list of the non-native species (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department.

    6a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; was the discovery made whilst your Environmental Health team were carrying out other routine work etc).

    6b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).

    Published: 2 July 2019

  4. Information Request - In July 2017 the Council invited a delegation from Dongying in China to visit Guildford with a view to signing a "Partnership Agreement". What was the cost to the taxpayer of this visit in terms of travel expenses, including flights taxis and coaches, hotel accommodation for the delegates and hospitality? Please itemise your answer. In the exchange visit to Dongying in China in October 2017 to sign the Agreement, what was the cost to the taxpayer for flights and other travel expenses, hotel accommodation and hospitality for Cllrs Paul Spooner, Matt Furniss and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Surrey? Please itemise your answer. If any of these expenses were covered by others, please state by whom.

    Published: 1 July 2019

  5. I would be grateful to receive your responses to the following:

    1. Do you have a 5G strategy?

    1.1 If yes, I request to see the complete strategy, its ambitions and its objectives in PPTX, Word, PDF or picture format.

    1.2 If yes, has the public had the opportunity to read and understand Guildford Borough Council 5G strategy? Where was this information published?

    1.3 I also request a supplementary document that includes the highest level of detail on all 5G technology that's planned to be used, as well as any and all 5G technology currently in use, in public spaces within Guildford Borough Council and its (a) Companies and entities involved and the names of the company/entity officers. (b) Specification sheets of 5G technology. (c) What technology e.g. units and arrays are not currently 5G, but can be 5G enabled e.g. with current software, future software, hardware upgrades or retrofitting? (d) What UK, EU and International safety standards is Guildford Borough Council complying with for the 5G strategy and existing 5G technology. (e) I request proof e.g. a certificate from Guildford Borough Council that confirms that UK, EU and International safety standards for workers and the public have been meet.

    1.4 If no, I request to know when you will be chairing a 5G strategy?

    2. I request the name/s of the Officer/s in charge of the 5G strategy and roll out for 5G and Smart Cities; and who their subject area expert or consultancy is, their CV and qualifications on 5G and Smart Cities.

    3. Are you in talks with any experts, companies or entities about autonomous vehicles (AV) for public transport and/or private use on Public Highways?

    3.1 If yes, I request to see the complete strategy, its ambitions and its objectives in PPTX, Word, PDF or picture format.

    3.2 I also request a supplementary document that includes all levels of detail on: (a) Companies and entities involved and the names of the company/entity officers? (b) Specification sheets of all technology.

    4. Do you have a strategy for smart roads and smart signage on Public Highways and Public spaces? 4.1 If yes, I request to see the complete strategy, its ambitions and its objectives in PPTX, Word, PDF or picture format.

    4.2 I also request a supplementary document that includes all levels of detail on: (a) Companies and entities involved and the names of the company/entity officers? (b) Specification sheets of all technology. (c) What technology e.g. units and arrays will not be 5G, but can be 5G enabled e.g. with current software, future software, hardware upgrades or retrofitting? (d) What UK, EU and International safety standards does your 5G strategy and rollout comply with?

    5. Are you planning to rollout or have rolled out LED street lighting?

    5.1 If yes, please answer these questions: (a) What is the CMS and specification of the software and hardware of the LED street light system? (b) What type of waveform is the LED? e.g. Square wave? (c) Can you control the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of the streetlight system using the CMS? (d) Can you control the PWM of each streetlight that's connected to the system? (e) What restrictions do you have in place for the control of the PWM? (f) What is the UK, EU and International safety limit (low and high) for the amount of 'flicker' (Hz) the Human Body and eyes can be exposed to and for how long? (g) I request to see the training manual and safety operation manual for the CMS and the LED streetlight system. (h) Who is the company who is installing or has installed the CMS LED streetlight system? (i) What company maintains and repairs or will maintain and repair the CMS and LED streetlight system? (j) What entity and Officer is responsible for the safety standards for the CMS and LED streetlight system? (k) I request proof e.g. a certificate from Guildford Borough Council that confirms that UK, EU and International safety standards for workers and the public have been meet. (l) What is the amount of Blue Light leakage that's safe for the public and workers during the LED streetlights operation? (m) What level of LED streetlight exposure is safe for the public at daytime and night time? (n) Is there a legal requirement for diffusers to be fitted to LED streetlights? (o) How have you have addressed the amount of Oxidative Stress on Human and Animal cells that's produced from LED?

    5.2 If no, then I request a declaration from Guildford Borough Council that you will not be installing LED streetlights in the future. If you cannot provide a declaration, I would like the following answered in the future tense: (a) What is the CMS and specification of the software and hardware of the LED street light system? (b) What type of waveform is the LED? e.g. Square wave? (c) Can you control the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of the streetlight system using the CMS? (d) Can you control the PWM of each streetlight that's connected to the system? (e) What restrictions do you have in place for the control of the PWM? (f) What is the UK, EU and International safety limit (low and high) for the amount of 'flicker' (Hz) the Human Body and eyes can be exposed to and for how long? (g) I request to see the training manual and safety operation manual for the CMS and the LED streetlight system. (h) Who is the company who is installing or has installed the CMS LED streetlight system? (i) What company maintains and repairs the CMS and LED streetlight system? (j) What entity and Officer is responsible for the safety standards for the CMS and LED streetlight system? (k) I request proof e.g. a certificate from Guildford Borough Council that confirms that UK, EU and International safety standards for workers and the public have been meet. (l) What is the amount of Blue Light leakage that's safe for the public and workers during the LED streetlights operation? (m) What level of LED streetlight exposure is safe for the public at daytime and night time? (n) Is there a legal requirement for diffusers to be fitted to LED streetlights? (o) How have you have addressed the amount of Oxidative Stress on Human and Animal cells that's produced from LED?

    6. Where do you have 3G and 4G systems in public spaces and public roads?

    Published: 1 July 2019

  6. I'd like to submit a freedom of information request for the following: • The number of skateparks built in Guildford Borough Council in the last 20 years • The number of skateparks permanently closed in Guildford Borough Council in the last 20 years • The amount of money invested in skateparks each year since 1999 in Guildford Borough Council

    Published: 27 June 2019

  7. Please provide the ratepayer's name(s) and the rates payable (inclusive of any reliefs and/or exemptions) for the financial year(s) below. Address Postcode Property reference Financial year(s) Eashling Service Station, Lower Eashing Godalming Surrey GU7 2QG 194710060 2016/2017

    Published: 27 June 2019

  8. I have recently called Guildford Council with regards to receiving a list of registered landlords with HMO properties in Guildford. Would it be possible to be emailed this list please.

    Published: 27 June 2019

  9. am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

    1. Does the council own any high-rise buildings which required aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding or any other dangerous cladding material to be removed?

    2. If so, please provide a list of these buildings. If the council considers any exemption to apply to the names of these buildings, please still provide the list in an Excel spread sheet but with the 'names' column blank. In the other columns, please provide: a) the number of storeys b) the name of the principal contractor when the cladding was originally installed c) whether or not the cladding has been removed d) whether or not the cladding has been replaced e) the name of the principal contractor on the work to remove the cladding

    3. Does the council have a policy on what happens to the cladding materials once they have been removed e.g. they are destroyed? If so, please describe that policy.

    4. Does the council have a process to ensure that contractors are complying with this policy? If so, please describe that process.

    5. Is the council aware that any cladding materials have been sold to third parties after being removed? If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under your Section 16 obligations, as to how I can refine my request to be included in the scope of the Act.

    Published: 27 June 2019

  10. In 2019, 2017, 2015 & 2013 what is/was the cheapest available option within your area for the following: - Hiring a senior grass football pitch for one match - Hiring a junior grass football pitch for one match - Hiring a basketball court for one session - Hiring a squash court for one session - A single, senior swim session - A single, junior swim session - Hiring a tennis court for one session

    Published: 27 June 2019