Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. In the year from 01/04/16 to 31/03/17 what was the number of Food Safety inspections carried out by local authority employed officers

    2. In the year from 01/04/16 to 31/03/17 what was the number of Food Safety inspections carried out by subcontracted officers

    3. In the year from 01/04/17 to 31/03/18 what was the number of Food Safety inspections carried out by local authority employed officers

    4. In the year from 01/04/17 to 31/03/18 what was the number of Food Safety inspections carried out by subcontracted officers

    5. In the year from 01/04/18 to 31/03/19 what was the number of Food Safety inspections carried out by local authority employed officers

    6. In the year from 01/04/19 to 31/03/19 what was the number of Food Safety inspections carried out by subcontracted officers

    7. In the year from 01/04/16 to 31/03/17 what was the number of appeals received under the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

    8. In the year from 01/04/16 to 31/03/17 what was the number of appeals upheld under the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

    9. In the year from 01/04/17 to 31/03/18 what was the number of appeals received under the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

    10. In the year from 01/04/17 to 31/03/18 what was the number of appeals upheld under the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

    11. In the year from 01/04/18 to 31/03/19 what was the number of appeals received under the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

    12. In the year from 01/04/18 to 31/03/19 what was the number of appeals upheld under the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

    Published: 5 July 2019

  2. I would like information with regards to businesses that are newly liable for business rates between the 30th April to the 15th May 2019. Please include the full business name and full address including the postcode, type of premises, Rateable value and also the date that they became liable.

    Published: 5 July 2019

  3. 1- Please supply a list of your recycling sites which are currently in operation.

    2 - who is your textile contractor?

    3 - What is the expiry date of contract between the council and it's textile recycling partner?

    4 - What is the fee charged by the council under the tender contract between itself and it's textile recycling partner?

    5- which recycling companies bidded for the last tender?

    6 - Please supply a list of the final destination of recovered waste material that is collected under the contract?

    7 - What is the tonnes of duvets which have been collected under the contract?

    8- where are duvets exported after they have been recovered?

    Published: 5 July 2019

  4. I would be grateful if you will provide the following information for your authority:

    1. The address including post code of operational paddling pools located in publicly maintained open space.

    2. The number of operational drinking fountains located in publicly maintained open space

    Published: 5 July 2019

  5. 1. How many housing services staff with a customer facing role did you have working in the financial year 2017/18?

    2. How many assaults were reported against your housing services staff with a customer facing role in the financial year 2017/18?

    3. How many of the assaults were verbal?

    4. How many of these assaults were physical?

    5. How many housing services staff with a customer facing role did you have working in the financial year 2018/19?

    6. How many assaults were reported against your housing services staff with a customer facing role in the financial year 2018/19?

    7. How many of the assaults were verbal?

    8. How many of these assaults were physical?

    9. By way of response could you please complete the form in the attached spreadsheet.

    Published: 5 July 2019

  6. How many complaints has the council received about homeless encampments in the local authority area in the last five calendar years (2014, 2015, 2016,2017,2018)?

    Please break this down by year. How many tents have been confiscated by the council after they were used to set up "temporary homes" in the local authority area in the last five calendar years (2014, 2015, 2016,2017,2018)? Please break this down by year.

    What is the current fee charged by the council to homeless people in order to reclaim such possessions?

    How many homeless people have reclaimed their possessions (tents, bags etc) confiscated by the council as part of the policy for clearing homeless encampments in the last five calendar years (2014, 2015, 2016,2017,2018)? Please break this down by year.

    How many homeless encampments have been cleared by the council in the last five calendar years (2014, 2015, 2016,2017,2018)? Please break this down by year. Please say what bylaws were used to clear these areas. For example: Dispersal powers: section 35 of the 2014 Act allows the police to disperse individuals or groups causing or likely to cause antisocial behaviour in public places or common areas of private land, directing them to leave a specified area and not to return for up to 48 hours. By homeless encampments I am referring to locations where one or more homeless people live in an area. These encampments can be found on properties owned by private individuals or companies or owned by local, state, and government agencies. They can be in open spaces such as parks etc.

    Published: 3 July 2019

  7. 1. Please can you let me know why the emissions monitoring shows that measured emission concentrations exceed the limits set out in the permit. For example, the limit in Table B for particulate matter is 20 mg/Nm3. The 2018 emissions monitoring report shows that the particulate matter emissions rate was an average of 100.86 g/hr and the flow rates was 1,528 Nm3/hr. This is an emission concentration of 66 mg/Nm3 (ie 100.6*1000/1528).

    2. The emissions monitoring has been carried out assuming that the crematoria only needs to comply with unabated emissions limits as set out in PG5/2 (2012) and not those for new crematorium - as specified in the permit and which it should do as it is a new unit. Therefore, there is for example no emissions monitoring undertaken for mercury as required by the permit.

    3. The permit specifies a minimum discharge velocity of 15 m/s (condition 50) but the D1 stack height calculation states the velocity is 10.3 m/s.

    4. With regard to the new crematorium I understand that it is currently under construction and so presumably has planning permission, so I find it odd that you are not able to provide the basis for the stack height which presumably is integral to the design. The artists impressions on your web site do not show any stack.

    5. Please note that if D1 is being used for there is a condition (para 6.1.2) which states 'In the case of discharge stacks with shrouds or casing around the stack the stack should extend above the shroud or casing. This extension should be at least 50% of the shroud or casing's greatest lateral dimension'

    6. I see that on 26 March 2019 a Non-material amendment to the planning application for the crematorium to allow for changes to the flues was submitted. Given that this application was submitted before I received my FOI requested response (1 April) it looks like the reasons for refusing to provide the D1 calculation for the new crematorium are invalid given that they must have been completed before the non-material application was submitted. The FOI response states 'The D1 calculation for the permanent installation has not yet been submitted or approved by Environmental Health and is therefore not a matter of public record at present.' Please can you confirm if this statement was accurate when response was submitted (ie was the case on 1 April 2019). Please also provide the D1 calculations without delay.

    7. Please can you confirm that you hold written consent from the occupies of all three residential properties that are within 200 yards of the crematorium as required by Section 5 of the 1902 Cremation Act. This Act requires both the Owners (Guildford Borough Council) and occupiers to provide written consent.

    Published: 2 July 2019

  8. Please could I see the Caravan Site Public Register for your borough which should be open to public viewing (as stated in subsection (1) of section 25 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960)

    Published: 2 July 2019

  9. We would like to know what dates during Winter 2018-9 your local authority housing options team has activated their Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP). Most local authorities will use a trigger based on the outside temperature to determine specific days SWEP provision is activated. We would greatly appreciate receiving the data via email or in a spreadsheet format outlining: • Name of LA • Specific dates SWEP has been activated during Winter 2018-19 • Any other relevant information For the purpose of this request we are understanding Winter 2018-19 to encompass September 2018 - April 2019 inclusive. • If it is not possible to release some or all of the specified data, please indicate why.

    Published: 2 July 2019

  10. 1 What instructions or policy (documented or otherwise) does the planning department have in relation to seeking appeal costs?

    2 How many costs applications have been submitted by GBC since 1 Jan 2018?

    3. Since 1 Jan 2018, how many applications for appeal costs have been allowed in favour of the Council?

    Published: 2 July 2019