Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Can you provide me with the total number of staff that were made redundant by the council for each of the following financial years... 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Can you provide me with the total cost of those redundancies for each year? Can you provide me with the number of staff employed by the council in each of those years? Can you also provide the name of the department each role was lost from?

    Published: 9 July 2019

  2. Q1: In each of the following financial years: 2015-16 2016-17 2018-19 Please state for each year: a) how many (number) of homes have been approved to be built b) how many (number) of these were affordable homes

    Q2: What was your affordable housing target expressed as a percentage for each of the years in question 1.

    Q3: How many Section 106 agreements have agreed with developers in each of the financial years specified in question 1.

    Q4: How many of these Section 106 agreements successfully resulted in the loss or gain in the number of affordable homes?

    Q5: For each financial year, please state: a) The total number of affordable homes that have been lost or gained as a result of the renegotiations b) How this compares with the number originally specified.

    Published: 9 July 2019

  3. Could you tell me the Council's overall budget for 2019 including a departmental breakdown of proposed expenditure. i.e. If the 2019 budget is £100 then I would like to know how that budget/expenditure is to be split between the Community Services, Finance, Management Team, Planning and Regeneration and Environment departments.

    Published: 9 July 2019

  4. Would it be possible for you to send me the CAMEO Compliance Certificates for each of the last three years including the one issued on 1 April 2019 ?

    Published: 9 July 2019

  5. 1) Does your Local Authority issue driver badges / licences (whether for a temporary period / annual / three year) to applicant's who apply to renew their PH / HC Driver Licences without the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Certificate being produced to you (i.e. the DBS has been applied for by the applicant but awaiting to be returned to them)  YES (go to question 2)  NO (go to question 1b).

    1b) Have you ever issued licences (for any period) in the past without the above Yes (if so when did you stop this?) 

    2) Does your Local Authority issue on an 'Issue without Prejudice' basis  YES  NO b) If no, on what basis is this issued?

    Published: 5 July 2019

  6. 1. Do you use workflow tools to digitise scanned documents? a. Yes b. No

    2. If yes, which tools do you use?

    3. What processes have you automated through scan workflows?

    4. What are your future investment plans for scan workflow solutions?

    5. What is your IT budget for the year ahead?

    6. Is this an increase or decrease on the previous year? a. Increase b. Decrease

    Published: 5 July 2019

  7. 1) Can the council confirm their current number of Long Term Empty Domestic Properties as of the 13th May (those properties which have been empty for six months or older)

    2) What work is the council currently undertaking or planning to undertake around reducing their long term empty properties in 2019?

    3) During 2018 did you undertake any work around reducing your Long Term Empty Properties. If you did was this done using internal resource or a third party?

    4) If yes is the answer to question three, did the council review every single long term property

    5) Does the reduction of empty homes in the council area form part of your Housing strategy?

    6) Does the council have a budget in place to help support the reduction of empty properties?

    7) How much did the council spend on temporary accommodation during 2018?

    8) Does the council offer financial support /loans to Long Term Empty property owners to help them bring properties back into use?

    Published: 5 July 2019

  8. In regards to the current housing management software and housing asset management software being used by the council, when are the start and expiry dates for the following contracts; Housing Management Software (contract started / ends); Orchard Housing Asset Management Software (contract started / ends); Keystone If this has changed could you please disclose the start and end dates for the new contracts.

    Published: 5 July 2019

  9. Please can you tell me if Guildford Borough Council still accepts cash payments from constituents for council tax, fines and other services? If not when did you stop? If so are there any plans in the pipeline to go cashless?

    Published: 5 July 2019

  10. 1) I would like to request all internal correspondence and communications which mentions, or refers to, the Brexit Party.

    2) I would also like to request all external correspondence and communications between the Council and the Brexit Party.

    Published: 5 July 2019