Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Please send us the following information relating to: premises licenses' as mandated by section 1 of the Licensing Act 2003, authorising the provision of regulated entertainment and/or the sale/supply of alcohol within your Borough. We would like to clarify that we require a list detailing the following in respect of every currently licensed premises:

    Trading name and address (including the postcode) associated with each premises and/or club license granted or issued since the 01 January 2008;

    The licensed/conditioned opening hours for the relevant premises in relation to which the abovementioned name and address is requested;

    The nature of the licensable activities each relevant premises/club (in relation to which the abovementioned name and address is requested) is specifically licensed/authorised for (such a category may be, for example the "performance of dance - indoors", "sale by retail of alcohol to be consumed on premises", or "live music - outdoors".

    Published: 23 July 2019

  2. 1) As far as the Council is aware, was any of the plastic collected in 2018 by the Council's Recycling Collection Services ultimately exported to be recycled outside the UK?

    2) If yes, please provide the names of all companies that were responsible for exporting this plastic?

    3) Does the Council have any estimation of how much plastic was exported outside the UK during 2018? If so, please provide this in terms of tonnes of plastic exported.

    4) Does the Council know which countries plastic was exported to during 2019? If so, please provide this.

    Published: 23 July 2019

  3. How many staff at Guildford Borough Council earn over 1) £500, 2) £550, 3) £600 4) £650, 5) £700 and £750 per day gross. This should include all staff recruited centrally by Human Services and those recruited on temporary or at will contracts directly by teams. Please include the directorate and team where based.

    Published: 23 July 2019

  4. Please confirm that during the initial visit by the Chinese delegation to Guildford in July 2017, the Chinese delegation covered all their own costs (flights, travel, hotels etc) except for a lunch hosted by the University. Please explain why the University were involved? Please confirm that during the return visit to Dongying in October 2017, the Dongying Municipality covered the costs of all accommodation, including all meals and other hospitality, at the Blue Horizon Hotel in Dongying. Please provide an estimate of these costs and confirm that it was all properly declared?

    Published: 23 July 2019

  5. Please disclose how many contracts GBC has entered into in each of the discrete periods listed above ie In the period since 1 Jan 2018 From 1 Jan 2017 to 1 Jan 2018 From 1 jan 2016 to 1 jan 2017 From 1 jan 2015 to 1 Jan 2016 Please then summarise the type of contract eg annual /multi year retainer, time and materials or fixed price. Please then summarise the services supplied to be supplied. Please supply the follow information in respect of each contract between GBC and any part of the Savills plc group: 1. The parties/entities that have contracted ie the part of GBC if not the Council itself that is party to the contract and the part of Savills ie the branch or subsidiary if not Savills' top company.

    2. The date on which each contact was signed

    3. A copy of the main contracts

    4. The timescale over which the contract was to be performed

    5. The product or service that Savills is /was contracted to supply.

    6. The value of any invoices paid by GBC to any part of Savills

    7. Details of any review undertaken by GBC to consider potential conflicts of interest prior to entering into the contract.

    8. Details of any governance procedures / scrutiny undertaken prior to making these contracts

    Published: 23 July 2019

  6. On your website the figure of 93% of all refuse waste collected in Surrey in the 2016-2017 was diverted from landfill and used for energy from waste. Are the figures for 2017-18 available please? Also do you have a split between residential and business for these figures.

    Published: 22 July 2019

  7. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Councils Leasehold/housing management department:

    1. Total number of residential private dwellings the council is Freeholder for and which have been sold on a leasehold basis.

    2. The insurance arrangements of these dwellings including Inception/Renewal Date, Expiry date of any Long Term Undertaking/Agreements in place

    3. Is the insurance incorporated within the council main insurance program or are they 'ring fenced' as a separate portfolio?

    Published: 22 July 2019

  8. Please could you provide a list in spreadsheet format of all sales and leases of Council owned land, including amenity land or land transferred or leased for nil consideration since 1st January 2015.

    With each transaction, please provide:

    (a) The address including postcode

    (b) The total area of land sold/leased

    (c) The sale price realised or rent receivable

    (d) The effective date of the transaction

    (e) The use of the land at the time of the sale.

    (f) Confirm if the land was sold on the open market

    Published: 22 July 2019

  9. 1. What is the need identified by your authority's Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Need Assessment (GTANA) for new pitches, and what period does this GTANA cover?

    2. What is the figure identified by your authority for its up to date 5 year 'supply of specific deliverable sites' and when was this last reviewed?

    3. Please provide copies of the relevant extract of your authority's Local Plan and/or any other documentation in which the up to date 5 year 'supply of specific deliverable sites' is identified.

    Published: 17 July 2019

  10. I am writing to you regarding your current (5-year) housing land supply position and in regard to your current local plan (status):

    1) a copy of your current 'five year housing land supply' position statement. If you cannot provide a current housing land supply position statement, please provide the most recent document illustrating your district's housing land supply position.

    2) a copy of, or hyperlink, to your current (adopted) local plan and the date it was adopted.

    3) The same information for any Site Allocations, Development Management Policy Plan, or similar "Local Plan part 2" document which forms part of the "local plan" alongside a core strategy (or similar).

    4) If your plan is more than 5 years old, please let me know if this plan has been reviewed and is therefore seen as "up-to-date".

    5) If your plan period has ended, or if the plan is more than five years old and has not been reviewed, please let me know if you are currently working on a plan review and/or if you are still using the policies of the plan, which already passed its plan period, for the determination of planning applications.

    Published: 12 July 2019