Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. A request to disclose the following information:

    (a) provide occupancy levels expressed as a percentage for the park and ride buses that service Guildford for the last 3 years and

    (b) provide the capital and running costs of the new electric buses that have recently come into service along with the percentage

    Published: 25 July 2019

  2. I would like to know how much has been spent on flood defences against sea, river and surface water flooding over the last 5 years. In addition, I would also like to find out how much the council has spent repairing flood damages.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  3. 1) How many incidents of fly-tipping were reported to the council in: a) the year 2015/2016? b) 2016/2017? c) 2017/2018?

    2) How much did the council spend on clearing up fly-tipping in the area in: a) 2015/2016? b) 2016/2017? c) 2017/2018?

    3) How many people were successfully prosecuted for fly-tipping in: a) 2015/2016? b) 2016/2017? c) 2017/2018? 4) What were the ten highest streets in your locality for fly tipping? I am after the number of times your council has been called or has dealt with fly tipping in a street. Do you have any dedicated projects or trial schemes aimed at reducing fly-tipping? If so, please give details.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  4. Could you kindly provide me with the below information about your organisation:

    1. What software product(s) are you using to manage your IT Service Management?

    2. Who is your current vendor?

    3. When does the contract with your current service desk provider end?

    4. How much does your current ITSM service desk tool cost annually?

    5. When will you be looking to review your current service desk tool?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  5. I am writing to ask for details of all arts and culture funding between 2016 and 2018 including total sum spent.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  6. I request sight of documents that confirm the demographic projections for population, housing need and proposed use of green belt from 2016-2020.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  7. For each of the financial years 2014/15; 2015/16; 2016/17; 2017/18; 2018/19 1. How many dwellings has the council purchased for the purpose of providing temporary accommodation for homeless people?

    2. How much has been spent making those purchases?

    3. How many of the purchased properties have disabled access (for example for a wheelchair)? In addition:

    4. How much money has been set aside in the financial year 2019/20 for the purchase of properties to provide temporary accommodation for homeless people?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  8. What was the council's public relations and marketing budget for each of the following financial years... -2014/15? -2015/16? -2016/17? -2017/18?

    Published: 24 July 2019

  9. I would like to request an up to date and full list of businesses that a become liable for business rates from the 15th May 2019 to to 31st May 2019. Please include the full business name, full address and date they became liable. Also include the type of premises and rateable value.

    Published: 23 July 2019

  10. I would like to request:

    1. The current list of approved suppliers of temporary accommodation that the council will use to procure from. If the council do not hold a list of approved suppliers I would like to request:

    2. The full list of suppliers of temporary accommodation that was procured from in the financial year 2018-19. If data for 2018-19 is not yet available, then this should be provided for 2017-18. If the Council uses contractors to manage their own stock of Temporary Accommodation I would like to request:

    3. The current list of approved contractors used to manage temporary accommodation that the council will use to procure from. If the council do not hold a list of approved contractors I would like to request:

    4. The full list of contractors used to manage temporary accommodation that was procured from in the financial year 2018-19. If data for 2018-19 is not yet available, then this should be provided for 2017-18. For suppliers of temporary accommodation, I would like to request:

    5. For the financial year 2018/19 the total actual spend with each supplier.

    6. For the financial year 2017/18 the total actual spend with each supplier.

    7. For the financial year 2016/17 the total actual spend with each supplier. If data is not available for 2018/19 then I would request the most recent three years when data is available. For contractors who are used to manage the council's own supply of temporary accommodation, I would like to request:

    8. For the financial year 2018/19 the total actual spend with each contractor.

    9. For the financial year 2017/18 the total actual spend with each contractor.

    10. For the financial year 2016/17 the total actual spend with each contractor.

    Published: 23 July 2019