Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. In the case of each of these four projects, I would like to know which councillor was responsible, what was the total budget approved by the council, and what was the actual cost to the taxpayer: Walnut Tree Close Footbridge Paving to Tunsgate Pop Up Village Sustainable Movement Corridor

    Published: 25 July 2019

  2. Please provide the following information 

    How many artworks have been purchased by the local authority in 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19? 

    How many artworks are in the possession of the local authority? 

    What is the estimated value of the artworks?

    How many of the artworks are on public display? (Public display includes those that can be viewed by the members of the public in local authority buildings such as council headquarters, libraries, sports and leisure centres, and schools that are under local authority control. It would exclude areas of council properties that cannot be readily be entered into by members of the public (such as, for example, the office of the head of paid service)).

    Artwork includes, but is not limited to, paintings, photographs, sculptures and electronic art.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  3. 1. How much did your organisation spend on office furniture in 2018?

    2. What office furniture suppliers did your organisation use in 2018?

    3. Do you have a contract in place for office furniture? If so, who is this with?

    4. When does your existing office furniture contract end?

    5. What will your procurement route be for any future office furniture contracts, i.e. will you use a frame- work agreement? If so, which one?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  4. Would it be possible for you to send me any GIS data you hold on the following:

    Conservation Areas

    Local Wildlife Sites

    Local Nature Reserves Landscape

    Character Areas

    District Boundaries

    Public Rights of Way

    Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

    And any other areas of designated green space or landscape value.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  5. 1. Please indicate the last date on which a genealogist, probate researcher or tracing agent was used.

    2. If a researcher has been used in the past year, on how many occasions has this occurred?

    3. Which company was last used and by which local authority department?

    4. Does the local authority have any contract with any researcher? If so, please provide the contract document, redacted as required.

    5. In the circumstances where the local authority was aware of the existence of relatives of a deceased person but lacked the resources or expertise to locate them, would the council use a genealogical researcher on an exclusive basis again?

    6. Are there plans for the council to undergo a tendering process for a researcher?

    7. If the council previously used heir hunters or other tracing services but no longer does so, what are the reasons behind the change in policy?

    8. What is the council's policy and process for making a referral to a genealogical researcher?

    9. Please identify the measures in the existing policies and procedures for making referrals to a genealogical researcher which: a) protect next of kin from overcharging through a market exposure and b) ensure all entitled relatives are found?

    10. Does the local authority publish an online list of public health funerals where there is an intestacy?

    11. If so, when is information added to the list? Is information only added to the list AFTER the researcher has exhausted their investigations or is it added at the same time that a referral is made to the researcher?

    12. Does the list include names of deceased individuals where a researcher has been used and family have been located who have taken over responsibility for the funeral?

    13. Bearing in mind the benefits to the next of kin of maintaining competition, if the local authority is not already doing so does it intend to begin using or tender for a panel of three researchers to whom each case will be referred concurrently?

    14. If the local authority is still engaging in exclusive relationships with heir hunters rather than making referrals to the Bona Vacantia Division or to a panel of three and/or maintaining a regularly updated online list, what is the justification for this? Please refer to any relevant policies and legislation.

    15. Please provide any records of internal decision making or external consultation from the past year which have resulted in the local authority's current stance on the use of genealogical researchers

    16. Would the local authority welcome some formal guidance or regulation from the government or another independent body in order to provide clarity on the appropriate course of action for using private sector services which are free to the local authority but which may result in a third party being charged or prejudiced in some way?

    17. Would the local authority welcome some formal guidance from the government or another independent body to provide clarity on the appropriate course of action for when a person dies intestate in their area and there is evidence that there are next of kin but the local authority do not have the resources or skills to locate the relatives themselves?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  6. We wish to obtain information, from the Council, relating to unclaimed credits for non-domestic ratepayers.

    We request a list of both credit balances and credit balance write-ons accrued since your earliest records, for the amounts owing to all "incorporated" companies within the authorities billing area, including

    •The name of each ratepayer for which the credit or credit write on relates to.

    • The value of overpayment in each case.

    • The year(s) in which overpayment was made.

    • The hereditament address.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  7. 1 It is stated on your website that there is a fee for recovering a dog which is set by the Government and the Council. Can you please tell me what that fee is?

    2 The amount of money the Council spends with Dogbusters

    3 A copy of the contract with Dogbusters

    Published: 25 July 2019

  8. 1 How Many staff do you have in your organisation? 2 How many operational sites does the organisation have?

    3 Who has the overall responsibility for the disposal of IT equipment within the organisation? Please supply Name, Job Title, Telephone and Email contact details.

    4 Does the organisation currently have an IT asset disposal policy?

    5 Do you use a third party IT asset disposal company for this?

    6 What is the name of that partner?

    7 Do you have a contract in place with this company?

    8 How often are disposal collections run?

    9 If a contract is in place, when does this expire?

    10 Do you currently pay for this service? If so, what is the typical cost over a 12 month period?

    11 How old is each asset before it is disposed of? E.g. 3 /4 / 5 years

    12 Do you presently receive any money back (rebates) for IT assets that you send to your disposal company?

    13 Do you have a nominated Infrastructure Manager and who is this?

    14 For devices with hard drive, do you require full destruction of hard drives, or just erasure and certification of erase?

    15 Does the organisation have the ability to track an individual asset to ascertain the final route and destination of each asset disposed of? In the event of a data breech, how could you prove who had legal custody of each asset, and at what stage?

    16 Does the current contract also include photocopiers / Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs)

    17 How does your organisation finance MFDs… Lease or purchase?

    18 Do you have a service contract in place for the copiers and if so when does this expire?

    19 Does your organisation have a contract in place for shredding of other forms of data, namely paper documents?

    20 What is the spend in the last 12 months on paper shredding / destruction?

    21 If a contract is in place for paper and document shredding, when does this expire?

    22 Does your supplier currently comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018?

    23 What ISO accreditations do you require for a disposal company to have in order to work with your organisation?

    24 Who is the current appointed Data Protection Officer within the organisation, or person that presently deals with data protection?

    25 Are there presently any other services that your organisation are looking for around IT Recycling?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  9. I require the organisation to provide me with the following contract information relating to the following corporate software/enterprise applications:

    A. Enterprise Resource Planning Software Solution (ERP) -this is the organisation's main ERP system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades.

    B. Primary Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solution-this is the organisation's main CRM system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades. Example of CRM systems the organisation may use could include Microsoft Dynamics, Front Office, Lagan CRM, Firmstep

    C. Primary Human Resources (HR) and Payroll Software Solution-this is the organisation's main HR/payroll system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades. In some cases the HR contract maybe separate to the payroll contract please provide both types of contracts. Example of HR/Payroll systems the organisation may use could include iTrent, Resourcelink.

    D. The organisation's primary corporate Finance Software Solution-this is the organisation's main Finance system and may include service support, maintenance and upgrades. Example of finance systems the organisation may use could include E-Business suite, Agresso (Unit4), eFinancials, Integra, SAP In some cases you may come across contracts that provides service support maintenance and upgrades separate to the main software contract, please also provide this information in the response following the requested data below.

    For each of the categories above can you please provide me with the relevant contract information listed below:

    1. Software Category: ERP, CRM, HR, Payroll, Finance

    2. Name of Supplier: Can you please provide me with the software provider for each contract?

    3. The brand of the software: Can you please provide me with the actual name of the software.

    4. Description of the contract: Please provide me with detailed information about this contract and please state if upgrade, maintenance and support is included. Please also include any modules included within the contract as this will support the categories you have selected in question 1.

    5. Number of Users/Licenses: What is the total number of user/licenses for this contract?

    6. Annual Spend: What is the annual average spend for each contract?

    7. Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract please include any available extensions within the contract.

    8. Contract Start Date: What is the start date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    9. Contract Expiry: What is the expiry date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    10. Contract Review Date: What is the review date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. If this cannot be provided please provide me estimates of when the contract is likely to be reviewed. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.

    11. Contact Details: I require the full contact details of the person within the organisation responsible for this particular software contract (name, job title, email, contact number). If any of the information is not available please can you provide me with the notes on the reasons why?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  10. 1. As part of the authority's Council Tax Registration process, do you collect data on property tenure? Yes for all tenures Yes for rental properties only No (Please give reason why) a. Please provide reasons why data is not collected

    2. For rental properties, do you ask for information about the landlord? Yes No a. Other answer:

    3. Which Council departments/services can access the tenure/landlord data? All Housing Planning/Development Control Finance/Benefits Environmental Services Trading Standards Licensing (Mandatory/Additional/Selective) Customer Services a. Other (Please list)

    4. If you limit which departments can access this data, for what reasons do you do so?

    5. Is the landlord data used when assessing the size of the PRS for any of the following duties or purposes: Housing condition surveys to fulfil duties under s3 of the Housing Act 2004? In developing an overall housing strategy? Securing the effective implementation of HMO licensing under s55 of the Housing Act 2004? In considering making an HMO licensing designation under s56 of the Housing Act 2004? In considering making a selective licensing designation under s80 of the Housing Act 2004? a. Any other purposes?

    Published: 25 July 2019