Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. Who is responsible for Healthy and Safety within the council and what is their job title?

    2. Does the council have a dedicated Health and Safety software management system?

    3. If yes, who is the provider and when does the current licence expire?

    4. If no, how does the council manage its Risk Assessments, Accident and Incident reporting and safety audits etc?

    5. What budgets does the council have for the management of its Health and Safety systems and procedures?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  2. 1. How many of your staff work "Flexi-time" or similar?

    2. How many of your staff work shift work?

    3. What is the name of software (s) used to manage "Flexi-time" & shift working staff?

    4. Who is responsible for the software(s)?

    5. Value of contract (annually)?

    6. What is the contract term?

    7. When was it signed?

    8. What is the notice period?

    9. Was it bought through a framework?

    10. Does it interface to other software (eg: Payroll/HR, Resource Planning etc.)?

    Published: 25 July 2019

  3. RE: 20 Chapel Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3UL (our ref: 79 098862) Please can you provide details of any Outstanding Statutory Notices relating to the above property.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  4. Please can you send me a full and up to date list of companies/businesses and charities that have become newly liable for paying business rates within your council area between the 15th december 2016 to the 31st December 2016.

    I would like to know the business/company/charity name, address, date they became responsible along with the RV and property type. Please can you send this in excel format.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  5. Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000), I request the following information:

    1) The estimated total number of flat entrance fire doors currently installed across the council's housing stock

    2) The number of flat entrance fire doors installed across the council's housing stock identified as failing to comply with building regulations since March 2018, or found to be the same product as those which have failed government tests

    3) The number of doors referred to in question 2 which have since been replaced

    4) The total cost of the work referred to in question 3

    5) If available, the date on which the last fire door(s) was replaced

    6) If available, any correspondence on the subject of fire doors sent to residents of blocks of flats with non-compliant or potentially non-compliant flat entrance fire doors since March 2018

    7) If applicable, the number of high-rise blocks of flats owned by the council which have non-compliant/potentially non-compliant fire doors and are also clad in ACM cladding deemed unlikely to comply with building regulations.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  6. 1. Please provide the pay and grading structure used by your authority, including any local extension of the pay spine.

    2. Does your Council have a standalone Public Health Directorate?

    3. If no, what directorate does Public Health belong to?

    4. Please provide the job titles of those who work in your public health workforce, their job title and numbers of men and women working under that job title. Public Health Job Title Women Men Total Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Headcount Headcount FTE Headcount Headcount FTE Headcount FTE e.g Public Health Consultant 2 2 1.5 2 2 1.5 8 3

    Published: 25 July 2019

  7. Good afternoon, Could you please provide the amount (£) spent by the council on repairing roads so far in 2018-19, as well as in 2017-18, 2016-17, and 2015-16? I would like this to be treated as a Freedom of Information request.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  8. This is a request for Business Rates information, to be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide the ratepayer's name(s) and the rates payable (inclusive of any transitional phasing) for the financial year(s) below. Address Postcode Property reference Financial year(s) SUITE 3 1ST FLR RIVER HOUSE, BROADFORD PARK, SHALFORD, GUILDFORD, SURREY GU4 8LD 205370323 2010/11 - 2012/13 SUITE 2 GND FLR RIVER HOUSE, BROADFORD PARK, SHALFORD, GUILDFORD, SURREY GU4 8LD 205370322 2010/11 - 2012/13

    Published: 25 July 2019

  9. In relation to "The Village" project on Commercial Road in Guildford town centre, can you please provide the following information:

    (1) The total capital costs outlaid by Guildford Borough Council on this project since inception;

    (2) The total operating costs outlaid by Guildford Borough Council on this project since inception;

    (3) The total rental income received by Guildford Borough Council on this project since inception;

    (4) The total number of days on which The Village was open for business.

    Published: 25 July 2019

  10. 1. I would like to request the following information regarding the fees charged for all football pitch hire in your jurisdiction for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018:

    a. A breakdown of the revenue generated (in pounds sterling) from hiring artificial football pitches on council-owned property, monthly and per year.

    b. A breakdown of the revenue generated (in pounds sterling) from hiring natural grass football pitches on council-owned property, monthly and per year.

    2. I would like to request the following information regarding the maintenance costs for football pitches in your jurisdiction for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018:

    a. The amount of money (in pounds sterling) that was invested into the maintenance of artificial football pitches on council-owned property, monthly and per year;

    b. The amount of money (in pounds sterling) that was invested into the maintenance of natural grass football pitches on council-owned property, monthly and per year;

    c. The amount of money (expressed as a percentage) that was invested into the maintenance of artificial football pitches on council-owned property as a proportion of your overall council budget, monthly and per year;

    d. The amount of money (expressed as a percentage) that was invested into the maintenance of natural grass football pitches on council-owned property as a proportion of your overall council budget, monthly and per year.

    Published: 25 July 2019