Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Several statements have been made by the Council (officers and Councillors) to the effect that there is no choice available to the Council in determining its housing numbers, in defining its green belt boundaries, in adopting the local plan with (in my view) indecent haste, because "the Council is merely following government guidelines" on the implementation of local planning. Would you be so kind as to provide copies or point me in the direction of the government guidelines that the Council has been relying on in respect of the matters referred to above, ie: Setting housing numbers Deciding to amend Green Belt Boundaries (including insetting villages) Adopting the Local Plan (with particular reference to the speed of adoption)

    Published: 29 July 2019

  2. 1. Has your authority implemented an Electronic Document & Record Management System (EDRMS) solution?

    2. If YES: a. Is the EDRMS a corporate solution or does it cover specific business areas?

    b. Is the EDRMS an in-house/internal development or provided by a 3rd party?

    c. If provided by a 3rd party, please confirm the name and vendor of the solution

    d. What is the annual cost of the EDRMS? Please can you split this into capital and revenue (i.e. set up cost and then ongoing costs of running the EDRMS)

    e. When did implementation of the EDRMS commence?

    f. How long did implementation of the EDRMS take (what date did the system go live)? If the system has not yet gone live, when is it scheduled to go live?

    g. Please confirm how many people were in the implementation project team and their roles in the team

    h. What was the project budget / estimated spend on implementation of the EDRMS?

    i. How is the EDRMS structured, for example by business area, business process, business function, etc.?

    j. Approximately how many documents are held/managed within your EDRMS solution?

    k. How are documents classified within the EDRMS, for example do you use the Local Government Scheme of Classification?

    l. What system of document naming convention does your EDRMS use?

    m. Does the EDRMS manage the creation of new documents linked to business processes / business areas?

    n. Does the EDRMS integrate with other line of business applications?

    o. Does your EDRMS solution also manage physical/paper records?

    p. How did you cleanse/process information held on file shares etc. prior to migration to your EDRMS solution?

    3. If NO: a. How does your authority manage electronic documents, particularly those held within file shares?

    Published: 29 July 2019

  3. 1. Contract Type: Maintenance, Managed, Shared (If so please state orgs)

    2. Existing Supplier: If there is more than one supplier please split each contract up individually.

    3. Annual Average Spend: The annual average spend for this contract and please provide the average spend over the past 3 years for each provider

    4. Hardware Brand: The primary hardware brand of the organisation's telephone system.

    5. Number of telephone users:

    6. Contract Duration: please include any extension periods.

    7. Contract Expiry Date: Please provide me with the day/month/year.

    8. Contract Review Date: Please provide me with the day/month/year.

    9. Application(s) running on PBX/VOIP systems: Applications that run on the actual PBX or VOIP system. E.g. Contact Centre, Communication Manager.

    10. Telephone System Type: PBX, VOIP, Lync etc

    11. Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall service provided under this contract.

    12. Go to Market: How where these services procured, please provide me with either the tender notice or the framework reference number. Please specify if procured through other routes.

    13. Contact Detail: Of the person from with the organisation responsible for each contract full Contact details including full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.

    14. If the service support area has more than one provider for telephone maintenance then can you please split each contract up individually for each provider? If the contract is a managed service or is a contract that provides more than just telephone maintenance please can you send me all of the information specified above including the person from with the organisation responsible.

    Published: 29 July 2019

  4. 1) How many complaints did your council receive about noise nuisance in the years 2015, 2016,2017 and 2018 (to date)? (Please provide figures for each separate year) 2) How many investigations into noise nuisance did your council carry out in the above years? (Again please can you break this down by year) 3) How many of those investigated were classed as Statutory Nuisances in the above years? (break down by year) 4) How many warnings were issued in the above years? (break down by year) 5) How many prosecutions were there in the above years? (break down by year) 6) If possible, please can you provide short details of prosecutions (i.e the general location and short details of the case - e.g "continuously barking dog")

    Published: 26 July 2019

  5. 1) In each of the last 5 years, what was the total expenditure on housing for military veterans who have been made homeless and have sought assistance from the local authority?

    2) In each of the last 5 years, what was the total expenditure from homelessness services, including specific amounts for the Housing Revenue Account?

    3) What data does the local authority collect to identify and address the specific needs of military veterans?

    Published: 26 July 2019

  6. 1. How many outsourcing contracts have you outsourced in the last five financial years, and the details/ the nature of these contracts?

    2. Who are the companies you have outsourced to, with regards to the above?

    3. What has your total spend been on outsourcing contracts in each of the last five financial years?

    4. Who many, and which services, have you brought in house over the past five financial years? And what were the nature/ type of those services? Please give any details you can.

    Published: 26 July 2019

  7. I would like to obtain recent information, from the Council, relating to unclaimed business rate credit balances. Please also indicate when requested information (spreadsheet or website) has been updated. I am aware that all Billing Authorities hold on account sums of money that are due to be returned to ratepayers and for a variety of reasons have not been repaid and maybe considered untraceable by the Council. I therefore request a breakdown of credit balances accrued since your earliest records, for the amounts owing to all incorporated companies within the authorities billing area including the following information: A) The name of each business in respect of which non-domestic rate credit balances remain payable. B) The value of over payment in each case which remains unclaimed. C) The years(s) in which over payment was made and the hereditament address. D) The name of each business in respect of which non-domestic rate credit balances has been written back on to the NDR account. E) The value of write back in each case which remains unclaimed. F) The years(s) in which write back was made (if available) and the hereditament address that the write back relates to.

    Published: 26 July 2019

  8. Dear Business Rates Team, I am aware that all Billing Authorities hold records of businesses that have or have not applied for small business rates relief. We would like would like to obtain a list of businesses who are not receiving small business rates relief. If this information relating to unclaimed small business rates relief is available on the website then please also indicate when the requested information (spreadsheet or website) has been updated. I therefore request a breakdown of businesses who are not receiving small business rates relief with a Rateable Value between £12,000 and £15,000 since 2017, including the following information:

    A) The name of each business in respect of which non-domestic rates are payable.

    B) The Rateable value of the property

    C) The address of the business in respect of which non-domestic rates apply

    Published: 26 July 2019

  9. Do you charge for resident parking permits in Controlled Parking Zones? If you do currently have a charge: 1) How many resident parking permit holders are there in your area? 2) What is the minimum and maximum charge levied for resident parking permits in Controlled Parking Zones? 3) How much revenue did the charge generate in financial years: a. 2014/5 b. 2015/6 c. 2016/7 d. 2017/8 4) Is there currently a plan to increase or decrease the charge for resident parking permits over the next three years (for example, in line with inflation, or if the introduction of a charge has been staggered)? 5) How much was generated by fining drivers who parked in Controlled Resident Parking Zones without a valid permit in financial years: a. 2014/5 b. 2015/6 c. 2016/7 d. 2017/8 If you do not currently have a charge for resident parking permits in Controlled Parking Zones: 6) Is the council implementing such a charge in the next 24 months?

    Published: 26 July 2019

  10. Please could you tell me the following: - The current number of burial plots available within the Council sites? - How many burial plots you have in total across the councils' sites? - When do you estimate you will run out of available burial plots? - Are there plans for any new sites?

    Published: 26 July 2019