Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. 1. I would like a full list of business and charities that have become responsible for business rates from the 15th June 2019 -30th June 2019.

    2. I would like you to include the date of liability, full business name, address, property type and rv.

    3. Please send over in excel format

    Published: 2 August 2019

  2. For each calendar year since 2010, please could you tell me:

    1. How many requests have been made by members of the public to your council to make reasonable adjustments to buildings within your district, under s.20 of the Equality Act 2010?

    2. Of these requests, how many requests for changes were made specifically requesting changes to accommodate a claimant who is partially sighted or blind?

    3. How many public buildings have cooperated with the reasonable adjustments requests since April 2010?

    4. How many public buildings have not cooperated with the reasonable adjustments requests since April 2010?

    5. How many discrimination claims have been lodged against the council for failing to make reasonable adjustments to buildings under the Equality Act 2010, and how many claims specifically concerned blindness or sight loss?

    6. How many council-employed staff have undergone visual impairment training since April 2010

    7. How many changes have been made to buildings under council control since April 2010 with the following: a. Physical feature changes to buildings to accommodate people with blindness or sight loss b. Additional aids or services provided to accommodate people with blindness or sight loss c. Changes to building operations to accommodate people with blindness or sight loss Preferred format: machine readable / Excel Thank you in advance for any information that you can provide.

    Published: 2 August 2019

  3. Request for any receipts, invoices, emails etc in relation to anyone from the council attending International Sister Cities Conference from October 22nd to 24th, 2018 in Freiburg

    Published: 2 August 2019

  4. I would like to request the following information regarding please:

    1. How many road vehicles (vans/minibuses/HGVs/cars/motorbikes) does your local authority currently use either directly or via your contractors

    2. What proportion of these are currently a) zero emissions b) low emissions (ULEZ standard) c) diesel d) pre Euro VI diesel"

    3. What proportion of these vehicles are planned to be a) zero emissions by 2030 b) low emissions (ULEZ standard) by 2030?

    4. Have you signed up to Clean Van Commitment (zero emissions vans by 2028)

    5. Are you involved in any Innovate UK vehicle trials?"

    6. Have you signed the Clean Bus commitment (XXX)?

    7. How many school streets (exclusions zones for cars around schools) are there in your local authority currently - both as a total figure and a percentage of the overall schools, broken down by primary and secondary?

    8. How many school streets are there likely to be by 2022 in your local authority both as a total figure and a percentage of the overall schools, broken down by primary and secondary?

    9. What is preventing you from establishing more school streets (resources / skill set / finances / local opposition)?

    10. What estimate have you made of the financial resources needed to implement school streets?

    Published: 2 August 2019

  5. 1. In the last financial year 2018/19 how many incidents did your authority record where refuse collectors were assaulted by members of the public while carrying out council duties? Please give a brief description of the circumstances of the incident. NOTE: By refuse collectors I mean all employees whose main duties are involved in the collection of rubbish (all types) from homes and businesses with your authority. NOTE: If the refuse collection duties are carried out by a third party company hired by the council the information is still HELD by the council, because it is information held on your behalf.

    Published: 2 August 2019

  6. I am undertaking a piece of research on Local Authority Waste Disposal Contracts and I would very much appreciate your support by providing me with the following information:

    1. Please provide the following details in the table below of the Authority's waste disposal contracts for all household waste streams e.g. residual, mixed dry recyclables, food and garden waste. Contractor Name Contract Start Contract End Extension Options Materials Disposed as part of the contract Estimated Annual Tonnage Estimated Annual Contract Gate Fee per tonne Contract Fee Mechanism (Fixed fee/Risk Share)

    2. If the Authority is not responsible for the disposal of household waste, please provide the full contact details of the person in the responsible Authority who will hold the requested information or ideally please request the information from them directly for release. Local Authority Name: Officer Name: Position: Telephone Number: Email address:

    3. Please provide the full contact details of the officers responsible for developing the Authority's waste strategy and managing waste contracts. Officer Name: Position: Telephone Number: Email address:

    Published: 2 August 2019

  7. Please supply details of any pre-planning application and advice for the development of Forest Garage, Forest Road, Effingham Junction KT24 5HE.

    Published: 1 August 2019

  8. Please could you provide me with a copy of all food safety reports concerning the following restaurants in your area: The Clock House Please limit these reports to just those dated from 1.1.18 to the date of this e-mail and please ensure that the reports are of a sufficient quality that I will be able to read their contents.

    Published: 1 August 2019

  9. 1. How many Fixed Penalty Notices has your council handed out in 2018 for the littering of cigarette butts?

    2. How much is your FPN for littering cigarette butts?

    3. How many FPN's have not been paid within the allocated time frame, and subsequently gone to court for littering cigarette butts in 2018?

    Published: 30 July 2019

  10. Please provide separate figures for each calendar year, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

    1. How many statutory notices have been served under section 83 of the Public Health Act 1936?

    2. Of the notices seved, for each year, how many were: a. Complied with b. Works undertaken in default c. Subject to judicial review (please provide reason and details) d. Other please provide details

    3. How many of the individuals you served section 83 notices on were referred to Safeguarding?

    4. Do have additional written procedures to help prevent cases recurring in the future (please provided details)?

    5. Do you work in collaboration/ partnership with other agencies when trying to resolve problems with people living in filthy conditions? Please provide details of the types of organisation

    6. How many of these individuals have you served a section 83 notice on multiple times? Kind regards

    Published: 29 July 2019