Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. I hereby request a list of unclaimed council tax credit balances. Please note I am not asking for business rates credits. Please can this information be provided to me in an Excel Spreadsheet, including the following fields: • Ratepayer name • Property Address • Billing Authority Reference • Amount of credit • The period or financial year of the credit I appreciate that properties where the ratepayer is an individual would be excluded from my request. In such cases, please provide the remaining information with the Ratepayer either blank or listed as 'individual'

    Published: 9 September 2019

  2. Please send a full list of businesses/charities/Ltd companies that have become newly liable for business rates between the 15-31st Aug 2019. I would like you to include: The full business name Address Type of property RV Date of liability.

    Published: 9 September 2019

  3. I would like to know information regarding homeless young people (16-24). I would like to know the number of young people who have: A - approached the council for help with issues surrounding homelessness B - been formally assessed for homelessness by the council C - have been accepted as being officially homeless by the council.

    Published: 5 September 2019

  4. I hereby request a list of unclaimed council tax credit balances. Please note I am not asking for business rates credits. Please can this information be provided to me in an Excel Spreadsheet, including the following fields: • Ratepayer name • Property Address • Billing Authority Reference • Amount of credit • The period or financial year of the credit I appreciate that properties where the ratepayer is an individual would be excluded from my request. In such cases, please provide the remaining information with the Ratepayer either blank or listed as 'individual' I thank you in advance for your co-operation in the matter and look forward to hearing from you shortly.

    Published: 5 September 2019

  5. • What was the rejection rate of plastic recycling sent from Guildford to the MRF in 2018?

    • What happens to the plastics rejected for processing by the MRF?

    • What happens to the plastics rejected during processing in the MRF

    Published: 5 September 2019

  6. 1) In the calendar year of 2018 how much has the council spent cleaning up council owned land following the eviction of an illegal traveller camp a) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost site per site

    2) In the calendar year of 2018 how much has the council spent on legal fees to evict illegal traveller camps a) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost per site

    3) In the calendar year of 2017 how much has the council spent cleaning up council owned land following the eviction of an illegal traveller camp a) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost site per site

    4) In the calendar year of 2017 how much has the council spent on legal fees to evict illegal traveller camps a) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost per site

    5) In the calendar year of 2016 how much has the council spent cleaning up council owned land following the eviction of an illegal traveller a) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost site per site

    6) In the calendar year of 2016 how much has the council spent on legal fees to evict illegal traveller camps a) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost site per site

    7) In the calendar year of 2015 how much has the council spent cleaning up council owned land following the eviction of an illegal traveller a) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost site per site

    8) In the calendar year of 2015 how much has the council spent on legal fees to evict illegal traveller camps b) Please may this be divided by site address, how long each site was occupied for and the cost site per site

    Published: 5 September 2019

  7. 1. The total number of new homes of any tenure completed by the council in the past five years (beginning of 2014/15 - end of 2018/19)

    2. Over the same period, the number of new homes completed within the HRA, broken down by tenure (e.g. social rent, affordable rent, shared ownership, etc)

    3. Over the same period, the number of new homes completed within a Local Housing Company, broken down by tenure (this includes joint ventures)

    4. Over the same period, the number of new homes completed directly through the General Fund, broken down by tenure

    5. The number of homes the council intends to develop over the next five years through the HRA (2019/20 - 2023/24) 7. The number of homes the council intends to develop over the next five years through a housing company

    6. The number of homes the council intends to develop over the next five years through the General Fund

    7. An estimate of the total amount of council investment required to deliver the plans referred to in questions 6-8, if available. Please note that questions refer only to homes built, not acquisitions. In cases where demolition occurred, please try to count net additions. e.g. 10 homes demolished and 15 built in their place where possible = 5 homes delivered.

    Published: 5 September 2019

  8. We are trying to establish how many parking permits have been issued at the following schemes in Guildford (just total numbers); Address No. permits issued 76 North Street, Guildford, GU1 4AW 1 Ward Street, Guildford, GU1 4LH Tunsgate Quarter, Guildford, GU1 3QY Trinity Quarter, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4TX Scholars Court, Chertsey Street, Guildford, GU1 4BE Queens Place, Denzil Road, Guildford, GU2 7AT Condor Court, Guildford, GU2 4BP 1b Sydenham Road, Guildford, GU1 3RT.

    Published: 5 September 2019

  9. Do you currently record details of visitors attending your council offices? If so… What details do you record? E.g. name, company name, who they're visiting, etc. Do you do this electronically or on paper? How long are the details kept? Is your method of visitor recording GDPR compliant? How much per annum does the visitor recording method you use cost the council? Do you currently record details of staff attending your council offices? If so… What details do you record? E.g. name, employee number, job title, etc. Do you do this electronically or on paper? How long are the details kept? Is your method of visitor recording GDPR compliant? How much per annum does the staff recording method you use cost the council?

    Published: 5 September 2019

  10. I would like full and up to date list of all businesses within your council area that will provide information on the following: * Newly liable business rates payers between and including the 15-31st July 2019 • Full Property address • Description of property • Rateable value • Billing name & address • Liability start date • Void or occupied • Full business name

    Published: 5 September 2019