Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Where the council is responsible for On-Street and Off Street pay and display car parking (excluding Off-Street pay-on-foot and pay-on-exit car parks, permits, season tickets, PCN and other income)

    1. For the period 01/04/2018 to 31/03/2019, please could you tell me: The total number of Off Street pay and display parking transactions/tickets sold (all payment methods)

    2. The total number of On Street pay and display parking transactions/tickets sold (all payment methods) Total Off Street pay and display income (all payment methods)

    3. Total On Street pay and display income (all payment methods)

    4. Total number of Off Street pay and display parking transactions/tickets sold via a pay by phone provider e.g. RingGo

    5. Total number of On Street pay and display parking transactions/tickers sold via a pay by phone provider e.g. RingGo

    6. Total Off Street pay and display income processed via a pay by phone provider e.g RingGo

    7. Total On Street pay and display income processed via a pay by phone provider e.g RingGo

    8. Total number of Off Street pay and display parking machines

    9. Total number of On Street pay and display parking machines

    10. Do any of these parking machines have provision for credit/debit card processing via chip/pin and/or contactless payment?

    Published: 17 October 2019

  2. Please provide details of all payments received under Section 106 Planning Obligations for the years 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 (and, if available, 2018/19), including the following details: • The date the payment was banked • The value of the payment • The purpose of the payment (for example, payments made to 'health care' or 'affordable housing') • The amount of the payment that has been allocated • The amount that has been allocated but not spent • The recipient of the allocated payment • The amount that has been repaid to the developer • The reason for the repayment I would like to receive this information in electronic format, using the template table provided below. Date banked The value of the payment The purpose of the payment The amount of the payment that has been allocated The amount of the payment that has been allocated but not spent The recipient of the allocated payment The amount of the payment that has been repaid to the developers The reason for the repayment.

    Published: 17 October 2019

  3. • What was the number of people found to be rough sleeping in the area administered by the council in each of the years from 2010 - 2018? • What was the number of people found to be homeless in the area administered by the council in each of the years from 2010 to 2018? • How much was spent by the council on 'Housing First' style schemes aimed at tackling homelessness in each of the years between 2010 and 2018? • How much was spent by the council from Government grants on 'Housing First' style schemes aimed at tackling homelessness in each of the years between 2010-2018?

    Published: 17 October 2019

  4. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your council. My request relates to the Right to Buy scheme for council tenants to buy their homes. Specifically, it relates to owners extending their leasehold leases with your council as the freeholder. I am asking each council in England and Wales with a housing brief in an effort to create a national picture. In each case, I understand that records may be incomplete, and if this is the case, I would like whatever figures are available, together with their dates, to give the most accurate view possible. Here is what I am requesting: 1. In total, how many leasehold extensions have been agreed since Right to Buy started? If records are incomplete on this, please also indicate what years of data are available. 2. How much has been raised from these extensions in total? Again, if this is for specific years, please also say which years are covered. 3. How many of these were 90-year extensions under the 1993 Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act? A percentage is fine. 4. How many extensions for each of the last 10 calendar years? How much was raised in total for each year? If the information is more easily available in fiscal years, please deliver it so, but please do indicate if that's the case. 5. For each year of the last 10 years, how many extensions were for leases with 80 years remaining or less? How much was raised from these extensions? 6. How much was raised from the single most-expensive extension? When was this, and how many years were left on the lease before the extension? Again, if records are patchy, please indicate whether this is the most-expensive, or the most-expensive for whatever years are available, and what those years are. 7. How much was charged to leaseholders in fees in total for these extensions? 8. Who were the parties paid the fees and how much each? If this includes law firms, please name the top five and how much each of them received. 9. How many extensions went to tribunal per year for the last 10 years and in total? How much was spent on tribunals by the council? 10. In total, what percentage of Right to Buy properties were sold leasehold and what percentage freehold by the council?

    Published: 8 October 2019

  5. 1) Please provide a copy of your most up to date digital strategy document or link. 2) What budget is the council setting aside to invest in innovation in 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23? 3) Please list all the digital innovation projects the council will be working on from 2020-2023. 4) Please name the partners you are working with to deliver these projects? 5) Who is responsible for digital transformation in your organisation?

    Published: 8 October 2019

  6. How many persons does your council employ? • How many council employees are employed as apprentices, and how much is their pay per hour? • How many council employees are employed on a salary equal or less than a full-time equivalent of £14,942.20 per year? • How many council employees are employed on a salary equal to or less than a full-time equivalent of £16,380 (in London £19,201) per year? • How many council employees are employed on a salary equal to or less than a full-time equivalent of £29,588 per year? • How many council employees are employed on a salary equal to or greater than a full-time equivalent of £46,351 per year?

    Published: 7 October 2019

  7. I'm writing under Freedom of Information legislation to request a complete up-to-date dataset of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) in force within the boundaries of your local authority area, which includes locational data and associated metadata.

    If this information is available publicly via another means (such as via your council website), please send us a link to where this dataset can be downloaded, in one of the file formats requested.

    Published: 25 September 2019

  8. We are compiling national data on noise nuisance complaints relating to auditory bird scaring devices (propane gas guns, banger ropes etc). If available, we'd like the source data as extracts from the Environmental Health Department's database, redacted to protect confidential information. We are particularly interested in the postcodes of the alleged noise nuisance of audible bird scaring devices.

    Cover period: 1. January 2015 - 30 June 2019, broken down by year Auditory Bird Scaring Devices = ABDS National Farmer's Union = NFU GENERAL

    1) Does the EHD log all noise nuisance complaints (phone,email,letter)?

    2) How many noise nuisance complaints (all causes) were received in cover period?

    3) How many of these related to ABSD?

    4) How many of those related to ABSD, resulted in an abatement notice being issued? NFU CODE

    5) NFU Code of Practice specifies that farmers should register ABSD with the local council. How many guns were registered with the council during the cover period?

    6) NFU Code of Practice is a voluntary code, but Councils are allowed to issue bye-laws. Does the Council have a bye-law regarding the use of ABSD?

    7) Does the EHD have an internal policy for the process of investigating noise nuisance by ABSD? If yes, please supply a copy. INVESTIGATION

    8) How many times was the EHD unable to investigate / act on a complaint because the owner/operator of a gun could not be identified?

    9) When deciding whether an ABSD constitutes statutory noise nuisance, does the council rely on noise monitoring data, or does it accept the subjective evidence by a EHO?

    10) If noise monitoring equipment is used, how many machines does the environmental Health Department have that are suitable for measuring noise emission from ABSD?

    11) If noise monitoring equipment is used, which BS standard is applied? TRAINING

    12) How many Environmental Officers does the Environmental Health Department employ?

    13) How many days Continuous Professional Development has the team received in relation to statutory noise nuisance?

    14) If the data exist, is it possible to break down outcomes of complaints (about ABSD ONLY) into how many ended in a) informal discussion with offender only b) visit to the property & subjective assessment by EHO c) installation of noise monitoring d) noise monitoring found that no statutory noise nuisance exists e) noise monitoring found that statutory noise monitoring does exists f) resulted in abatement notice g) abatement notices contested If you are able to say: - how many gasguns do you estimate are in use within the District? - how long does it take on average to deal with a complaint from ABSD?

    Published: 25 September 2019

  9. Please can I have the following information:

    Registration number:



    Of all vehicles licensed as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire, between 01/01/2019 to 15/8/2019.

    Published: 19 September 2019

  10. As you may or may not be aware the Modern Slavery Act was introduced in 2015, where by any business with a turnover in excess of £36M have to have a Modern Slavery Policy. If you have your own policy, please can you provide us with a copy.

    Published: 12 September 2019