Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Guildford

This is a disclosure log of Guildford Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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427 disclosures

  1. Please send me … An organisational chart, including all departments, directors, names and job titles of heads of services - specifically, the names of the people in the below positions or the equivalent. Director of Property Director of Regeneration Assistant Directors of Assets, Property, Regeneration Head of Property Head of Asset Management Head of Regeneration Head of Capital Works Head of Development

    Published: 3 February 2023

  2. How many public buildings in your council had working smart energy meters installed on the premises? - Please provide the data split by property type.

    Published: 30 January 2023

  3. I wish to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that you supply me with:

    The number of council-owned empty properties in 2016, 2017, 2018 and currently.

    Published: 22 December 2022

  4. I would like to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information for Guildford Borough Council. Please provide data showing: *

    As separate figures, the anticipated cost of Christmas lights, Christmas trees and other Christmas decorations for the Christmas period starting this year. *

    Please also provide the actual cost of Christmas lights, trees and other decorations for each annual Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

    * Anticipated energy consumption for Christmas lights for the Christmas period starting this year, as well as actual consumption for each Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

    * The daily schedule for Christmas light activity, for this Christmas period and for each annual Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

    * Will you or have you cancelled any switch-on events this year? If yes, please provide the reason(s) for cancellation. Please provide such data electronically, ideally as a spreadsheet.

    Published: 2 December 2022

  5. Please provide the risk assessment for the re-wilding of Pewley and Merrow Downs, and if you assessed the risk of fire and the impact of fire due to rewilding

    Published: 7 September 2022

  6. Please provide under FOI:

    1. The number of households on your council/social housing waiting list

    2. The number of households on your council/social housing waiting list with children

    3. The number of households on your council/social housing waiting list with children under 5

    Published: 7 September 2022

  7. I would like to know the location of Guildford Borough Council one bedroom properties, ie street area, to include flats, houses and bungalows.

    Published: 6 June 2022

  8. Q1 What is the total number of all forms of vehicular transport operated by the council?

    a Total number of vehicles

    b Of these how many are currently pure electric?

    Q2 Can you advise of the number of Workplace Electric Vehicle (EV) chargepoints?

    a Already installed

    b Planned to be installed

    Q3 Can you advise how many workplace EV chargepoints are available?

    a for council fleet only

    b for council owned fleet and employee-owned or leased vehicles

    c for council owned fleet, employees and suppliers d for visitors to council premises

    Q4 How was the EV chargepoint installation funded (please tick all that apply)? a Grants (eg OZEV, Central Government, other) b Own reserves/resources c Partnership with private sector d Partnership with other public sector organisation (for shared use) e Other, please specify

    Q5 Have you applied for any government grants? Please advise of the number of applications and their outcome : Total Applications Successful Awaiting outcome a Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) b Plug-in Grant c Other fleet related grants/pilot schemes (please specify): d N/A (no grant applications made)

    Q6 Were these grant applications completed by: Total Applications Successful Awaiting outcome a In house/council employee b In house specifically recruited SME (subject matter expert) c A partnership with another public body d Outsourcing to specialist grant sourcing organisation e N/A (no grant applications made)

    Published: 26 May 2022

  9. I would like to find out how many council tenants in the council's jurisdiction were evicted for rent arrears in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 so far please.

    Published: 16 May 2022

  10. Please supply a list of your recycling sites which are currently in operation.

    Published: 24 March 2022