FOI release

Planning - Article 4 Directions

Case reference EIR2018/00032

Published 25 September 2018


1. What are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions currently in place within the Borough? 2. Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been withdrawn, not confirmed or revoked within the last 20 years within the Borough? 3. Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been requested by Borough Councillors or Borough Residents within the last 10 years within the Borough but rejected by Guildford Borough Council? 4. Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been requested by Guildford Borough Council within the last 10 years within the Borough but rejected by Central Government? 5. What, if any, are the costs to Guildford Borough Council of an Article 4 Direction?


  • What are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions currently in place within the Borough?

This request is exempt under Regulation 6 because the information is publicly available and accessible on our website. The information requested can be found on our website -

To filter the information you require-

Select 'Land Charges Register Information

◦Article 4 Direction - tick the box and enlarge the map to view.

  • 2.Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been withdrawn, not confirmed or revoked within the last 20 years within the Borough?

There are two Article 4 Directions that have not been confirmed within the last 20 years and these are as follows -

(i) Land to the west of A247 Send Barns Lane, Send, Woking, Surrey - there is no record of this having been confirmed - Direction served 25 May 2004.

(ii) Land to south side of B2039, Ockham Road North, Ockham, Surrey - this Article 4 Direction was not confirmed as land remained in original ownership with no intended development as therefore Article 4 Direction no longer required.

  • Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been requested by Guildford Borough Council within the last 10 years within the Borough but rejected by Central Government?


  • Where are the precise locations of Article 4 Directions that have been requested by Borough Councillors or Borough Residents within the last 10 years within the Borough but rejected by Guildford Borough Council?


What, if any, are the costs to Guildford Borough Council of an Article 4 Direction?

We do not hold this information.


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