FOI release

Data regarding air quality

Case reference EIR2019/00136

Published 4 March 2019


1. When was the last time you conducted a review of air quality?

2. Does the Local Authority have a LAQM area?

3. How many members of the staff the Local Authority has employed specifically for air quality purposes?

4. On how many occasions has your Local Authority used its specific legal powers (with reference to 1993 Clean Air Act), to "control and deal with dark smoke and harmful fumes from chimneys and industrial and trade premises"?

5. Has your Local Authority brought in a local plan in order to reduce NO2 and CO2 emissions, if so, a) what year was this introduced, b) details of said Local Plan?

6. Has your Local Authority received any support from Highways England in the delivery of air quality plans, 2010 to present?


Questions 1 and 2 - Please note all this information is on our web site:

Question 3 - Air quality is in a number of job descriptions last year equal to 1.2 FTE spent on air quality.

Question 4 - None in the last two years.

Question 5 - No

Question 6- No


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