FOI release

Statement of Community Involvement Request

Case reference FOI2019/00875

Published 8 August 2019


- Can you confirm as to whether your local authority has a Statement of Community Involvement?

- Can you confirm when the authority has published the Statement of Community Involvement?

- When is your next expected consultation / update of the Statement of Community Involvement?

- Do you have a publicly available link to the Statement of Community Involvement?

- Is the local civic society or civic trust identified by the local planning authority as a consultee (whether statutory or non-statutory) in the planning system within the Statement of Community Involvement?


- Can you confirm as to whether your local authority has a Statement of Community Involvement?

Yes, Guildford borough has a Statement of Community Involvement

- Can you confirm when the authority has published the Statement of Community Involvement?

Yes, it was published June 2013

- When is your next expected consultation / update of the Statement of Community Involvement?

We plan to update the document later this year.

- Do you have a publicly available link to the Statement of Community Involvement?

Yes, its available at:

- Is the local civic society or civic trust identified by the local planning authority as a consultee (whether statutory or non-statutory) in the planning system within the Statement of Community Involvement?

The SCI (paragraph 2.3.2) lists the type of groups and organisations that it consults, which includes civic societies. Details of the consultees are held on a stakeholder database. For information, Guildford Borough Council's stakeholder database does include contact details for The Civic Trust alongside more local civic societies.


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