FOI release

Exotic, Dangerous or Wild Animals Licenses

Case reference FOI2019/00531

Published 2 July 2019


1.) How many Exotic, Dangerous or Wild Animals Licenses did the council issue in the period between 1st May 2018 and 30th April 2019 (inclusive)? 1a) For each of these licenses, please state the species for which the license was issued.

2) How many Exotic, Dangerous or Wild Animals Licenses did the council issue in the period between 1st May 2017 and 30th April 2018 (inclusive)?

2a) For each of these licenses, please state the species for which the license was issued.

3) In the period between 1st May 2018 and 30th April 2019 (inclusive), please provide a list of the animals (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department AND which are included amongst those species for which owners are required to hold a license (under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act).

3a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; was the discovery made whilst your Environmental Health team were carrying out other routine work etc).

3b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).

4) In the period between 1st May 2017 and 30th April 2018 (inclusive), please provide a list of the animals (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department AND which are included amongst those species for which owners are required to hold a license (under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act).

4a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; were your Environmental Health team carrying out other routine work etc).

4b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).

5) In the period between 1st May 2018 and 30th April 2019 (inclusive), please provide a list of the non-native species (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department.

5a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; was the discovery made whilst your Environmental Health team were carrying out other routine work etc).

5b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).

6) In the period between 1st May 2017 and 30th April 2018 (inclusive), please provide a list of the non-native species (naming the species in each case) which have been dealt with by your Environmental Health department.

6a) In each of these cases, please state how the animal was discovered by your Environmental Health department - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: Was a sighting reported by a local resident; was the discovery made whilst your Environmental Health team were carrying out other routine work etc).

6b) In each of these cases, please state where the animal was discovered - giving as much detail as possible. (For example: If the animal was found in a garden, please state whether this was a public space or someone's private garden at their home).


We have considered your request for information and can confirm there have been no dangerous or wild animals found by the council and we have no dangerous wild animals act licences registered for the specified time periods.


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