FOI release

Temporary Accomodation

Case reference FOI2019/01238

Published 5 December 2019


1) Number of people in temporary accommodation -Singles -Doubles -Families

2) Number of people using bed and breakfasts

3) Number of people in disabled units

4) The cost to your council of temporary accommodation

5) Number of people waiting for temporary accommodation

6) How many people have your council assisted to settle into private homes

7) How many leases does your council hold for temporary accommodation I would really appreciate if you could release this information over to me for the last 5 years 2014-2019 (3 years at least)


Households in temp accommodation: 30/09/19 (snapshot): 47, including 8 singles & one family in B&B. Of the 47, 22 are singles, one is a couple and 24 are families with dependent children.

Households in temp 30/09/18 (snapshot): 48, including four singles in B&B. Of the 48, 19 are singles, one is a couple and 28 are families with dependent children.

Households in temp 30/09/17 (snapshot): 67, including two singles and two families in B&B. Of the 67, 23 are singles, one is a couple and 43 are families with dependent children.

In the first six months of this financial year, 75 households were assisted into the private rented sector.

In 2018/19, 133 households were assisted into the private rented sector.

In 2017/18, 88 households were assisted into the private rented sector.

In 2016/17, 72 households were assisted into the private rented sector.

Information is not held on the other matters. Homelessness expenditure is subsumed within other homelessness and housing expenditure. The Council does not lease private sector housing.


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