FOI release

Details Regarding Fly Tipping Incidents 2015 - 2018

Case reference EIR2018/01203

Published 25 July 2019


1) How many incidents of fly-tipping were reported to the council in: a) the year 2015/2016? b) 2016/2017? c) 2017/2018?

2) How much did the council spend on clearing up fly-tipping in the area in: a) 2015/2016? b) 2016/2017? c) 2017/2018?

3) How many people were successfully prosecuted for fly-tipping in: a) 2015/2016? b) 2016/2017? c) 2017/2018? 4) What were the ten highest streets in your locality for fly tipping? I am after the number of times your council has been called or has dealt with fly tipping in a street. Do you have any dedicated projects or trial schemes aimed at reducing fly-tipping? If so, please give details.


All local authority statistics for fly tipping that has been submitted can be found at the following website:

This site will allow access to the data that is current. Any dates that you have asked for that are not included in this website is unavailable at this time.

Guildford Borough council does not hold date on the accumulated number of flytips at any one location. We have introduced a JET (Joint Enforcement Team) who picks up the remit for fly tip enforcement and we currently have no prosecutions to date, although we are waiting on dates for two pending cases.


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