FOI release

Waste Disposal Contracts Guildford Council

Case reference FOI2019/00739

Published 2 August 2019


I am undertaking a piece of research on Local Authority Waste Disposal Contracts and I would very much appreciate your support by providing me with the following information:

1. Please provide the following details in the table below of the Authority's waste disposal contracts for all household waste streams e.g. residual, mixed dry recyclables, food and garden waste. Contractor Name Contract Start Contract End Extension Options Materials Disposed as part of the contract Estimated Annual Tonnage Estimated Annual Contract Gate Fee per tonne Contract Fee Mechanism (Fixed fee/Risk Share)

2. If the Authority is not responsible for the disposal of household waste, please provide the full contact details of the person in the responsible Authority who will hold the requested information or ideally please request the information from them directly for release. Local Authority Name: Officer Name: Position: Telephone Number: Email address:

3. Please provide the full contact details of the officers responsible for developing the Authority's waste strategy and managing waste contracts. Officer Name: Position: Telephone Number: Email address:


  • Please provide the following details in the table below of the Authority's waste disposal contracts for all household waste streams e.g. residual, mixed dry recyclables, food and garden waste.

Not applicable, we are a waste collection authority.

  • If the Authority is not responsible for the disposal of household waste, please provide the full contact details of the person in the responsible Authority who will hold the requested information or ideally please request the information from them directly for release.

Local Authority Name: Surrey County Council

Position: Waste Operations Group Manager

Telephone Number: 03456 009 009

Email address:

  • Please provide the full contact details of the officers responsible for developing the Authority's waste strategy and managing waste contracts.

Officer Name: Liz Mockeridge

Position: Waste Policy and Development Manager

Telephone Number: 01483 445088

Email address:


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