FOI release

Retail voids

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2018/01183

Published 7 November 2018


1. What is the current level of retail voids (vacant retail spaces) in your council area?

2. What percentage of these voids have been in the following categories: o A1. Shops (inc. retail sale of goods other than hot food) o A2. Financial and professional services o A3. Food and drink o B1. Business (inc. offices) o C1. Hotels and hostels o D2. Assembly and leisure (inc. cinemas, bingo halls) o Other, please specify

3. Has the level of retail voids increased or decreased over the past 12 months and by how much?

4. Have you increased or decreased the business rates in FY17/18 and by how much?

5. Have you requested funds from the discretionary relief fund to provide business rate discounts to those businesses most in need in your area? o If yes, where have/will these funds be allocated?

6. Is your council a business landlord?


1. What is the current level of retail voids (vacant retail spaces) in your council area?

2. What percentage of these voids have been in the following categories: o A1. Shops (inc. retail sale of goods other than hot food) o A2. Financial and professional services o A3. Food and drink o B1. Business (inc. offices) o C1. Hotels and hostels o D2. Assembly and leisure (inc. cinemas, bingo halls) o Other, please specify

3. Has the level of retail voids increased or decreased over the past 12 months and by how much?

Answer for Q 1-3

We do not hold this information. For business rates we have information on all void properties, but for business rate purposes are not required to break this down into sectors or categories - we are required to collect the rates on all properties. We do hold descriptions provided by the Valuation Office for business rate purposes, however these do not match the categories you have listed and so we cannot extract the information you have requested. The information is also not held by Economic Development or Planning.

Guildford Borough Council does however publish information regarding business rates on its website. Whilst this will not answer your questions - because as I have explained we do not hold the information - it may provide you with alternative information that is of use. You can find the files at along with an explanation of the contents.

4. Have you increased or decreased the business rates in FY17/18 and by how much?

The rules around the Business Rate multipliers are set nationally, and include provisions to phase in increases and decreases. Further information can be found at


5. Have you requested funds from the discretionary relief fund to provide business rate discounts to those businesses most in need in your area? o If yes, where have/will these funds be allocated?

We do not have to bid for these funds from the government. They have been allocated to us, and our role is to create a scheme to distribute the funds. Details of our scheme can be found at

6. Is your council a business landlord?



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