FOI release

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and Community Protection Notice (CPN) powers

Case reference FOI2016/00376

Published 5 August 2019


I would like some information about your authority's use of Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and Community Protection Notice (CPN) powers, since October 2015. Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) 1. Has your local authority brought through any Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) since October 2015? If so, please give details of the PSPOs (please provide the text of the order(s), and if possible a map of the area affected).

2. Please state the council body or official who enacted the PSPO (eg, was the PSPO passed by a designated council officer, a designated committee, or full council?).

3. How have your council's existing PSPOs been enforced since October 2015? For example, please give the number of on-the-spot fines or prosecutions for violation of any PSPO; or any other available statistics regarding enforcement, for example alcohol confiscations.

4. Are you planning or consulting on a PSPO to bring through in the future? If so, please give details: the text of the order and the planned date of consultation/enactment.

5. Please state the number of council officers with powers to enforce PSPOs (for example, to issue warnings or fines for violations of the PSPO). If possible, please give the position of these officers (eg, street wardens, dog control officers, environmental officers). Community Protection Notices (CPNs): 1. Please state the number of Community Protection Notices (CPNs) that you have issued in the year between 1 November 2015 - 31 October 2016. Please indicate the subject of these CPNs (eg, messy gardens, feeding the birds, busking, or begging). If possible, please provide the text of these notices. 2. Please state the number of council officers with powers to issue CPNs. Please also state the number of council officers with the power to enforce CPNs (for example, to issue warnings or fines for violations of CPNs). In both cases, if possible, please give the position of these officers (eg, street wardens, dog control officers, environmental officers). Of course, please state if your authority does not have the power to enact PSPOs or CPNs.


Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)

1. Has your local authority brought through any Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) since October 2015? If so, please give details of the PSPOs (please provide the text of the order(s), and if possible a map of the area affected).

Yes. Please see attached Public Spaces Protection Order and map.

2. Please state the council body or official who enacted the PSPO (eg, was the PSPO passed by a designated council officer, a designated committee, or full council?).

Director of Community Services.

3. How have your council's existing PSPOs been enforced since October 2015? For example, please give the number of on-the-spot fines or prosecutions for violation of any PSPO; or any other available statistics regarding enforcement, for example alcohol confiscations.

We do not issues fines for the PSPO. The Police have used this as a means to move people on as this was an area where large groups of people were gathering to cause antisocial behaviour. To date, no arrests have been made.

4. Are you planning or consulting on a PSPO to bring through in the future? If so, please give details: the text of the order and the planned date of consultation/enactment. No

5. Please state the number of council officers with powers to enforce PSPOs (for example, to issue warnings or fines for violations of the PSPO). If possible, please give the position of these officers (eg, street wardens, dog control officers, environmental officers).

Community Protection Notices (CPNs):

6. Please state the number of Community Protection Notices (CPNs) that you have issued in the year between 1 November 2015 - 31 October 2016. Please indicate the subject of these CPNs (eg, messy gardens, feeding the birds, busking, or begging). If possible, please provide the text of these notices.

Two were served within this time-frame. They were for dogs straying and fouling from a private residence and the other was a Commercial Dog walker who could not control the large number of dogs she was walking leading to injury to other walkers dog.

7. Please state the number of council officers with powers to issue CPNs. Please also state the number of council officers with the power to enforce CPNs (for example, to issue warnings or fines for violations of CPNs). In both cases, if possible, please give the position of these officers (eg, street wardens, dog control officers, environmental officers).

Three officers of the Council have designated powers to issue Community Protection Notices.They are the Director of Environment, Cleansing Manager and Director of Community Services.


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