FOI release

Statistics on refused Housing Applications

Case reference FOI2019/00124

Published 11 March 2019


I wish to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that you supply me with the following:

a) housing planning applications refused

b) the percentage of housing planning applications refused

c) the percentage granted every year since and including 2016?


  • a) housing planning applications refused
  • 2016 = 116

    2017 = 113

    2018 = 90

    2019 (to date) = 5

    b) the percentage of housing planning applications refused

    2016 = 42%

    2017 = 39%

    2018 = 34%

    2019 (to date) = 38%

    c) the percentage granted every year since and including 2016?

    2016 = 58%

    2017 = 61%

    2018 = 66%

    2019 (to date) = 62%


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