FOI release

Judical Reviews of planning Permission

Case reference FOI2019/00309

Published 18 June 2019


Questions for consideration All of the below questions relate to judicial reviews of planning permission from 2016-2018. Please answer in the formats provided below 1. How many judicial review claims of decisions to award planning permission/consent were received in (a) 2016, (b) 2017, and (c) 2018 Year Number of claims 2016 2017 2018 2.. What were the planning application numbers/references of the decisions that were subject to judicial review claims? Year Application Numbers 2016 2017 2018 3. Of the judicial review claims received, how many proceeded to a substantive hearing? Year Number proceeded to hearing 2016 2017 2018 4. Of the claims which proceeded to a substantive hearing, how many were found in favour of the applicant? Year Applicant successful at substantive hearing 2016 2017 2018 5. Of the successful claims, how many resulted in either a quashing order or an injunction being issued? Year Quashing or injunction issued 2016 2017 2018 6. How much was spent by the council on carrying out judicial reviews in 2016, 2017 and 2018? Year Average spent 2016 2017 2018


We have considered your request for information regarding judicial reviews of planning permission from 2016-2018.

  • How many judicial review claims of decisions to award planning permission/consent were received in (a) 2016, (b) 2017, and (c) 2018 Year Number of claims

2016 = 0 2017 = 1 2018 = 0

  • What were the planning application numbers/references of the decisions that were subject to judicial review claims? Year Application Numbers

2016 - n/a 2017 - 16/P/02131 2018 - n/a

  • Of the judicial review claims received, how many proceeded to a substantive hearing? Year Number proceeded to hearing

2016 = 0 2017 = 0 2018 = 0

  • Of the claims which proceeded to a substantive hearing, how many were found in favour of the applicant? Year Applicant successful at substantive hearing

2016 = 0 2017 = 0 2018 = 0

  • Of the successful claims, how many resulted in either a quashing order or an injunction being issued? Year Quashing or injunction issued

2016 = 0 2017 = 0 2018 = 0

  • How much was spent by the council on carrying out judicial reviews in 2016, 2017 and 2018? Year Average spent

2016 = n/a 2017 = £6,000 (the settlement not counting Legal costs) 2018 = n/a


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