FOI release

Details Regarding Number of Public Play Facilities

Case reference FOI2018/00952

Published 21 September 2018


2 years ago, we were hearing from our members that installations of new playground equipment were falling in England and that this was due directly to a lack of funding within local authorities. This worried us and our members at a time when Childhood obesity is increasing and there are more instances of divided communities. In order to quantify what was happening we commissioned a report which resulted in our #nowheretoplay campaign highlighting the extent of the problem. We believe it is now time to refresh our information and to once again highlight to government the problems resulting from a reduction in children's play facilities. We would therefore urge you to support us in the FOI request. 1. How many public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) do you currently have available to the public in your LA area? 2. What was your total budget for public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) in each of the following years? • 2016-17 • 2017-18 3. What is your expected total budget for public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) in each of the following years? • 2018-19 • 2019-20 • 2020-21 4. How many public playgrounds and play facilities were closed in your LA area and what proportion of your total play facilities did this represent, in each of the following years? • 2016-17 • 2017-18 5. How many public playgrounds and play facilities do you expect will close and what proportion of your total play facilities will this represent, in each of the following years? • 2018-19 • 2019-20 • 2020-21


  • How many public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) do you currently have available to the public in your LA area?


  • What was your total budget for public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) in each of the following years?

2016-17 - £78,000

2017-18 - £110,000

  • What is your expected total budget for public play facilities (including playgrounds, adventure playgrounds, skate parks, etc.) in each of the following years?

2018-19 - £140,000

2019-20 - £140,000

2020-21 - £140,000

  • How many public playgrounds and play facilities were closed in your LA area and what proportion of your total play facilities did this represent, in each of the following years?
  • 2016-17 - 0
  • 2017-18 - 0
  • How many public playgrounds and play facilities do you expect will close and what proportion of your total play facilities will this represent, in each of the following years?
  • 2018-19 - 0
  • 2019-20 - 0
  • 2020-21 - 0


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