FOI release

Acquisition of Stoke Park

Case reference EIR2019/00226

Published 12 June 2019


I would be grateful if you can provide me (under the terms of the Environmental Information Regulations) with a copy of the original deed of gift by which I understand the Council acquired Stoke Park and its ancillary Buildings, any amendment made to that deed in the meantime. I am particularly concerned about the potential loss, albeit perhaps on the basis of a lease, of a community facility gifted to Guildford. Please would you also, under the same EIR request, provide me with a copy of any executed lease between the Council and any third party in respect of this property.


The Council's response is as follows:

(1) There is no Deed of Gift.

The part of Stoke Park which includes Burchatts Farm Barn was purchased from Hubert Budgett by the Mayor and Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Guildford on 31/12/1925. The purchase price was £26,900.

(2) At the time of this email, I am informed by GBC's Operational Property Manager that GBC has not yet granted a lease of Burchatts Farm Barn.


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