FOI release

SHLAA- Planning Policy Team

Case reference FOI2019/01166

Published 15 November 2019


Dear Guildford Borough Council I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information act 2000 to request the following information from the Planning Policy Team and or Geographical Information Systems Specialist/ Manager. Please could the Following be requested:

• All positively and negatively assessed Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Sites (Also known as Land Availability Assessment/ Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment and can be abbreviated to SHLAA/ LAA/ SHELAA) that relate to potential residential housing of sites greater than 3 hectares.

• Their rating as either positively assessed or negatively assessed for potential development. • For all sites that have been published in your most recent Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Document.


The current LAA (Land Availability Assessment) is available on our website at:


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