FOI release

EIR: Removal and replanting of trees owned by GBC

Case reference FOI2024/00818

Received 27 May 2024

Published 13 June 2024


  1. Can you tell me how many trees the council has ordered to be removed in the last 10 years? I would like information on all trees felled by council departments including those on streets and in woodlands.

  2. And how many have been replanted in that period?

  3. Can you specify how many trees were cut down because they faced insurance claims?

  4. Can you specify how many trees were cut down to allow the construction of housing developments? If providing stats going back 10 years is not possible can you provide stats for tree felling for the past 5 or 3 years?


Attached is the response to your recent request for information. The number of trees felled is the number that the Parks department, who are responsible for all council owned trees, have felled. This excludes any street trees, as requested, as GBC is not the highway authority for our area, this would be Surrey County Council. There may be other instances where trees have been felled without the Parks department's knowledge and we do not hold this information.

Our records do not go as far back as you have requested, and neither do we hold any information on how many trees have been removed to allow the construction of housing developments.


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