FOI release

FOI - Public Toilets inquiry

Case reference FOI2018/00645

Published 26 September 2018


We are requesting information from you about public toilets in your council area. Can you please respond via email informing on the following:

• Number of public toilets currently available in your local council (including toilets in public buildings i.e. Libraries, sports centres, etc.)

• Number of public toilets currently managed by your local council

• Number of public toilets offering disabled access

• If you are part of any programme or scheme that works to grant increased access to public toilets such the Council Community Toilet Scheme, RADAR or others

• The number of public toilets managed for the council available in the year 2000 in your council area NB Where possible please answer with a number (and flag if this is an estimate) - we aren't looking for numbers on individual cubicles within facilities.


Information on our toilets are on our website at:

We don't hold information on public toilets from 2000. However I can confirm that with the exception of G Live toilets all other toilets on this list were in use in October 2004. The G Live toilets replaced another set of toilets in the same location when the facility was redeveloped and renamed.


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