FOI release

Local Plan consultation request

Case reference FOI2019/00330

Published 25 March 2019


The submission by the Surrey Hills AONB Board regarding the consultation of the Local Plan. The Surrey Hills AONB board submit recommendations for planning policy in the local plan. I am particularly interested in the board's comments on AGLV policy and also the AONB candidate areas in the AGLV.


Your request asks for submissions from the AONB board for consultations on the Local Plan.

There have been five consultations on the current emerging Local Plan:

Local Plan: Strategy and Sites Issues and Options

Draft Local Plan: strategy and sites 2014

Proposed Submission Local Plan: strategy and sites 2016

Proposed Submission Local Plan: strategy and sites 2017

Submission Local Plan: Strategy and Sites - Main Modifications 2018

The comments for these consultations have been published and can be found on the Guildford Borough Council consultation portal here:

The AONB Board made comments on all of the consultations, except the 2018 consultation.


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