FOI release

PR budgets 2018-19

Case reference FOI2019/00516

Published 6 June 2019


1. What was the council's public relations and marketing budget for the last financial year (2018-19)?

2. How many staff are currently employed in marketing and public relations and marketing based roles?


1. The budget for our corporate PR and Marketing team for 2018-19 is attached. Please note this budget includes costs associated with the publication of our About Guildford Newspaper [D1575 on the report]

It is important to note that marketing and public relations roles exist elsewhere in the council to varying degrees, but aren't considered substantive roles e.g. our local economy team working to promote Guildford, along with our Parks team through Guildford in Bloom. Calculation of these elements would exceed the 18hr threshold as laid down in article 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. The cost of compliance therefore exceeds the "appropriate limit".

2. 5.49 full time equivalents are employed in public relations and marketing based roles.


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