FOI release

Community-led Housing

Case reference FOI2020/00239

Published 25 March 2020


1. Does the council have any policies or ones in development to support community led housing? If so, what are they and where do they appear?

2. Between January 2010 and December 2019, how many grants and/or loans has the council given to community led housing groups or organisations?

3. Between January 2010 and December 2019, how many land disposals or leases has the council made to community led housing groups or organisations?

4. Do you have dedicated staff to support community led housing? If so, what are their job titles?


1. We are currently preparing our new housing strategy, which will include a continued commitment to supporting and working with community / voluntary sectors to deliver innovatively and in collaboration; includes specific reference to Community-led Housing and the Council's support for this. The Council has also actively been involved with and supported Surrey Community Action, which has been awarded an 'Enabler Hub Grant', in its efforts to promote community-led housing across Surrey.

2. Two tranches of funds have been awarded funding via the Council, on order to support communities in bringing forward ideas for Community-led Housing, through paying for professional fees and feasibility studies. There is insufficient funding to pay for the actual works, with further project funding to be identified as part of any feasibility works.

3. Nil.

4. No staff are specifically dedicated to working on Community-led Housing but the key contact would be the Housing Strategy & Enabling Manager.


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