FOI release

Annex information

Case reference FOI2019/00273

Published 17 June 2019


Can you please let me know how many residential properties there are in Guildford as follows:-

1.Those with a residential annex or "granny annex" that pay separate council tax on the annex

2.Those with a residential annex or "granny annex" that pay no separate council tax on the annex

3. Those with a business annex in the house or in the garden that pay separate council tax/business tax on the annex

4. Those with a business annex in the house or in the garden that pay no separate council tax/business tax on the annex Could this please be provided at the neighbourhood level. Finally can you provide me with numbers for the total population of houses for context.


1. We do not generally record if a property is an annexe. The Council Tax is charged on the address and band given to the Council by the Valuation Office Agency. Whether it is an annexe or not is not provided. However, there is an exemption and a discount available for annexe's where they meet a specific criteria and the number of these within Guildford Borough's area are:

Exemption W = 9

(A dwelling which forms part of a single property including at least one other dwelling and which is the sole or main residence of a dependent relative of a person who is resident in the other dwelling)

Annexe discount = 33

(Annexes which are used by the occupier of the main house as part of the main home, or annexes which are occupied by a relative of the person living in the main house)

2. No data held for the reasons given above.

3. No data held for the reasons given above.

4. No data held for the reasons given above.

5. Council Tax records are not organised at neighbourhood level.

6. Population figures are compiled and held by the Office for National Statistics


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