FOI release

Dog Warden Powers

Case reference FOI2018/00769

Published 26 July 2019


1. Do you have a dog warden service or an equivalent job role? If not do you employ a sub contractor and allow them similar powers?

2. What legislation does the employee enforce?

3. Do you have a proactive service towards Animal care and ensuring welfare in your area? (or do you require only for them to collect strays etc)

4. Do you use Community Protection Orders for dog related enforcement issues?

5. How many between June 2017 and June 2018?

6. How many of these have been breached between June 2017 and June 2018 resulting in fixed penalty notices?

7. How many of these have been breached between June 2017 and June 2018 resulting in court proceedings?

8. Do you use Injunctions for dog related enforcement issues?

9. Do you use Criminal Behaviour Order's in relation to dog enforcement? Under Public Space Protection Order's (PSPO's) what are your requirements? Such as dogs on lead, exclusion orders, maximum amount of dogs per person. How many breaches have you had between June 2017 and June 2018 of the PSPO's? What is your procedure to deal with dangerous dogs? What is your procedure to deal with nuisance dogs? Do you enforce collar and tag legislation and if so how many FPN's have been issued between June 2017 and June 2018?


1. Do you have a dog warden service or an equivalent job role? Yes

2. What legislation does the employee enforce?

Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

Environmental Protection Act 1990

Dogs Act 1871

Animal welfare Act 2006

Breeding and sale of dogs Act 1973/ welfare 1999

Pet Animals Act 1951

Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963

Zoo Licensing Act 1981

Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976

Guard Dogs Act 1975

3. Do you have a proactive service towards Animal care and ensuring welfare in your area? (or do you require only for them to collect strays etc) Yes

4. Do you use Community Protection Orders for dog related enforcement issues? Community Protection Notices.

5. How many between June 2017 and June 2018? Two

6. How many of these have been breached between June 2017 and June 2018 resulting in fixed penalty notices? Zero

7. How many of these have been breached between June 2017 and June 2018 resulting in court proceedings? Zero

8. Do you use Injunctions for dog related enforcement issues? No

9. Do you use Criminal Behaviour Order's in relation to dog enforcement? No - but would do if required.

10. Under Public Space Protection Order's (PSPO's) what are your requirements? Such as dogs on lead, exclusion orders, maximum amount of dogs per person. Clean up immediately after a dog has fouled

11. How many breaches have you had between June 2017 and June 2018 of the PSPO's? Zero

12. What is your procedure to deal with dangerous dogs?

Liaise with Police who are correct authority. Also offer guidance to officers who are unfamiliar with the Act.

13. What is your procedure to deal with nuisance dogs?

Use the ASB act. Build case, educate owner, discuss issue, issue CPN warning first then follow up if continues.

14. Do you enforce collar and tag legislation and if so how many FPN's have been issued between June 2017 and June 2018? Not applicable


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