FOI release

Records Management System

Case reference FOI2019/00722

Published 29 July 2019


1. Has your authority implemented an Electronic Document & Record Management System (EDRMS) solution?

2. If YES: a. Is the EDRMS a corporate solution or does it cover specific business areas?

b. Is the EDRMS an in-house/internal development or provided by a 3rd party?

c. If provided by a 3rd party, please confirm the name and vendor of the solution

d. What is the annual cost of the EDRMS? Please can you split this into capital and revenue (i.e. set up cost and then ongoing costs of running the EDRMS)

e. When did implementation of the EDRMS commence?

f. How long did implementation of the EDRMS take (what date did the system go live)? If the system has not yet gone live, when is it scheduled to go live?

g. Please confirm how many people were in the implementation project team and their roles in the team

h. What was the project budget / estimated spend on implementation of the EDRMS?

i. How is the EDRMS structured, for example by business area, business process, business function, etc.?

j. Approximately how many documents are held/managed within your EDRMS solution?

k. How are documents classified within the EDRMS, for example do you use the Local Government Scheme of Classification?

l. What system of document naming convention does your EDRMS use?

m. Does the EDRMS manage the creation of new documents linked to business processes / business areas?

n. Does the EDRMS integrate with other line of business applications?

o. Does your EDRMS solution also manage physical/paper records?

p. How did you cleanse/process information held on file shares etc. prior to migration to your EDRMS solution?

3. If NO: a. How does your authority manage electronic documents, particularly those held within file shares?


  • Has your authority implemented an Electronic Document & Record Management System (EDRMS) solution? YES
    2. If YES:
    a. Is the EDRMS a corporate solution or does it cover specific business areas? Corporate
    b. Is the EDRMS an in-house/internal development or provided by a 3rd party? 3 rd Party
    c. If provided by a 3rd party, please confirm the name and vendor of the solution File360 - Hershey Systems
    d. What is the annual cost of the EDRMS? Please can you split this into capital and revenue (i.e. set up cost and then ongoing costs of running the EDRMS) - This information is published on our web site
    e. When did implementation of the EDRMS commence? 2016
    f. How long did implementation of the EDRMS take (what date did the system go live)? If the system has not yet gone live, when is it scheduled to go live? The system is live, but continues to be implemented across the organisation.
    g. Please confirm how many people were in the implementation project team and their roles in the team - IT Project manager and leads from each Service.
    h. What was the project budget / estimated spend on implementation of the EDRMS? £20k
    i. How is the EDRMS structured, for example by business area, business process, business function, etc.? Business Area
    j. Approximately how many documents are held/managed within your EDRMS solution? - Unknown
    k. How are documents classified within the EDRMS, for example do you use the Local Government Scheme of Classification? Unknown - Dependant on each service
    l. What system of document naming convention does your EDRMS use? None
    m. Does the EDRMS manage the creation of new documents linked to business processes / business areas? No
    n. Does the EDRMS integrate with other line of business applications? Yes
    o. Does your EDRMS solution also manage physical/paper records? No
    p. How did you cleanse/process information held on file shares etc. prior to migration to your EDRMS solution? Manual process

    3. If NO:
    a. How does your authority manage electronic documents, particularly those held within file shares?
    4. Please provide a copy of your Authority's Information Management / Information Governance Strategy - N/A


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